- Issue created by @SirClickALot
I ma testing this module using:
I am trying to use this module to enable me to open (anchors) links in Bootstrap modals but I wish to build those links using Views re-writing.
The module works exactly as described when I visit any of the example paths provided by the bootstrap4_modal_test
but whenever I use a Views re-write to build links that behave the same way, they do not open in Bootstrap modals.
You can see in the screenshot below that I am simply copying the examples URLs from the sample module that is shipped with the Bootstrap 4 Modal module...
I thought perhaps I need to set my view the "Use AJAJX" but that made no difference :-(
As a further test, I also paste the same URLs into a Full HTML Custom block and they don't work there either.
Have I completely misunderstood what I should expect from this module?
Is there no simple way - maybe another way - to get Views to open URLs in a Bootstrap modal?
If anyone could help here, I'd be very grateful.