- Issue created by @kostask
- @kostask opened merge request.
- Status changed to Needs review
about 1 year ago 10:03am 16 November 2023
I am using the webform_shs element on a webform_composite element. After I have filled an webform_shs element on a row and I click the plus button to add another row, I get a new row with the webform_shs element filled in with the values of the previous row. Also the hidden select element that contains the value to be submitted contains no value. So if the form is directly submitted the values stored in the webform submission are not what the user sees, since the second row will contain an empty value for the webform_shs element.
Create a webform with a webform_composite element containing a webform_shs element. Populate the element and add another row.
To make the webform_shs work with a webform_composite element I have applied the patch #3 at https://www.drupal.org/project/webform/issues/3400386 🐛 Elements in custom composite element do not have webform_key Needs review
Needs review