Getting over the hump to D10 and OS RC

Created on 10 November 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 3 January 2024, 12 months ago


I'm currently running an Alpha version of OS which is D9 and trying to upgrade to the RC version which is D10. Can't seem to get the order of operations correct.

Can anyone suggest the sequence of composer updates that might work?

I seem to be in a loop of conflicting version dependencies. If I try to update "goalgorilla/open_social:12.0.0-rc5 -W" it tells me that I am locked via dependencies to D9. If I try to update to D10, then it tells me I am locked by OS-alpha.

/var/www/osocial$ composer outdated
Color legend:
- patch or minor release available - update recommended
- major release available - update possible

Direct dependencies required in composer.json:
drupal/webform_civicrm                  5.0.0-beta3     6.2.4                 
drush/drush                             11.6.0          12.4.2                
goalgorilla/open_social                 12.0.0-alpha2   12.0.0-rc5            
monolog/monolog                         2.9.2           3.5.0                 

Transitive dependencies not required in composer.json:
drupal/admin_toolbar                    3.4.1           3.4.2                 
drupal/core                             9.5.11          10.1.6                
drupal/core-composer-scaffold           9.5.11          10.1.6                
drupal/csv_serialization                3.0.1           4.0.0                 
drupal/ctools                           3.11.0          4.0.4                 
drupal/dynamic_entity_reference         1.16.0          3.1.0                 
drupal/exif_orientation                 1.2.0           1.4.0                 
drupal/field_group                      3.2.0           3.4.0                 
drupal/file_mdm                         2.6.0           3.0.0                 
drupal/file_mdm_exif                    2.6.0           3.0.0                 
drupal/file_mdm_font                    2.6.0           3.0.0                 
drupal/gin                              3.0.0-rc4       3.0.0-rc7             
drupal/gin_toolbar                      1.0.0-rc3       1.0.0-rc4             
drupal/ginvite                          2.1.0           2.2.1                 
drupal/graphql                          4.5.0           4.6.0                 
drupal/graphql_oauth                    1.0.0-alpha2    1.0.0-alpha3          
drupal/group                            1.6.0           3.2.1                 
drupal/lazy                             3.11.0          3.12.0                
drupal/metatag                          1.26.0          2.0.0                 
drupal/paragraphs                       1.15.0          1.16.0                
drupal/pathauto                         1.11.0          1.12.0                
drupal/private_message                  3.0.0-beta2     3.0.0                 
drupal/profile                          1.4.0           1.7.0                 
drupal/redirect                         1.8.0           1.9.0                 
drupal/search_api                       1.29.0          1.30.0                
drupal/swiftmailer                      2.3.0           2.4.0                 
drupal/token                            1.12.0          1.13.0                
πŸ’¬ Support request

Postponed: needs info





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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States HeneryH

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