Entity comparison on translated entities in multilingual site

Created on 9 November 2023, 11 months ago


Steps to reproduce

Scenario - Lets say you have a content type with few textfields and few entity reference fields that reference different content types. This site is multilingual and has more than one language. So a language specific channel is created for this content type. Lets take Japanese language for this example.
We added channel to sync content for Japanese translated content, On the client, when you try to select the channel, It will show any changes that are made to that translation. When you click on the Diff to see that changes made, it will compare with the current translation of the site. For e.g. if you are in the english path - en/admin/content/entity_share , you will see that it shows diff between local english version and remote Japanese version. When you browse to different language path in this case french canadian for e.g. fr-ca/admin/content/entity_share and select the channel you created for Japanese content sync, You will see that the diff on any changed entities would show difference between local fr-ca version and remote Japanese version. My understanding is part of the reason it compares against current language in the path is we have Content language detection is set to "Language from the URL".

Also if your content type has entity reference fields that reference other content types, the diff is always taking local english version and comparing against the remote Japanese version. In the screen shot I provided I am on the path fr-ca/admin/content/entity_share . All the fields used to compare in the local is fr-ca version but for entity reference field its using english version as shown in the screenshot.

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Entity Share Diff

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States morampudi.sowji

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