- Issue created by @interlated
- First commit to issue fork.
Error on cloning items that have been uploaded via feeds. I have created an issue with feeds https://www.drupal.org/project/feeds/issues/3398550 🐛 Cannot use object of type Feed as array Fixed .
Error: Cannot use object of type Drupal\feeds\Entity\Feed as array in Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Field\FieldType\FeedsItem->setValue() (line 39 of /web/modules/contrib/feeds/src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/FeedsItem.php) #0
It does not make sense to clone the feed item. I understand that this is used to track which items were uploaded and facilitate a roll-back.
I can disable feed and feed type in /admin/config/system/entity-clone/cloneable-entities. This changes the clone form
I cam't disable 'feed item'. It is an entity reference item instead of having an entity definition found by $this->entityTypeManager->getDefinitions()
That is : class FeedsItem extends EntityReferenceItem
We have hidden the paragraph checkboxes, There is no checkbox on the form for feeds item. Having checkboxes for each paragraph is deemed 'too complicated' for the end user.
Feeds - drupal/feeds dev-3.x 884264d
drupal/entity_clone 2.0.0-beta4
The feeds item definition is
Add feed item to the list of entity types able to be excluded.