Taking over the Gallery namespace

Created on 24 October 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 11 November 2023, over 1 year ago


I am very interested in using the gallery namespace to release my gallery builder module for Drupal 9,10 and I definitely need to have ownership of the project to continue the processes.


Considering that this project was created in 2003 and there were no other releases after Drupal version 6 https://www.drupal.org/project/gallery/issues/2469069 , it seems that no further activity is planned.

Project status:

  • Seeking new maintainer
    The current maintainers are looking for new people to take ownership.
  • No further development
    No longer developed by its maintainers.

Is it possible for you to transfer ownership of this module to me? Please let me use this namespace to release my new module, This namespace is suitable for its functionality and main purpose.

If you agree, you can still be in the maintainers of this module after the transfer of ownership.

Also the 6.x version will remain, I will create a new version (Branch) for Drupal 9,10.

Thank you for considering this proposition, and I eagerly await your response.

With regards
Mahyar SBT

💬 Support request






Created by

🇵🇱Poland mahyarss

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @mahyarss
  • 🇩🇪Germany profix898

    Dear Mahyar,

    thanks for requesting transfer of ownership of the 'gallery' module (and namespace) to you. As you said, the project has been inactive for many years. Before I make you a fully privileged maintainer of the project, can you tell me a bit more about your plans for a 'gallery builder module' for Drupal 9/10. What is this new module of yours about? Do you have a tentative roadmap or feature list? If you are serious about this, I'd be happy to pass the baton to you ;)


  • 🇵🇱Poland mahyarss

    @profix898 Hello dear Thilo Viereck,
    thanks for your response,
    Yes, I will definitely explain about the module.

    But before explaining the gallery module, I want to mention that I am creating several modules that are related to each other. For example, slideshow and page builder modules that will be connected with the gallery module.

    In fact, among the Drupal gallery modules, there was no module with the features that I have in mind, and I am planning to create a gallery module for the entity base that can create one or more galleries and can be connected with different image display Javascript libraries. I am also considering using WebGL effects in my Slideshow module and it is added as a widget in the page builder module.

    Finally, this can also have pages and blocks with many settings options.

    I can create other names with suffixes or prefixes. But according to what I saw on the page of this module, the status was no longer being developed. I asked myself, "Maybe you'll let me use it." Because this namespace is exactly right for my module. That's why I asked you before choosing another name.

    I can create other names with suffixes or prefixes. But according to what I saw on the page of this module, the status was no longer being developed. I asked myself, "Maybe you'll let me use it." Because this name exactly applies to my module. That's why I asked you before choosing another name.

    It should be mentioned, my intention of owning the gallery project is not that you are no longer present in this project.
    I have other names that were transferred to me from the previous owner. And if you go to their page from my user account page, For example Countdown , WOW JS , you will see that I did not remove the previous owner and developers from the project page, even though they are inactive. Because they have been active in this project for some time, I like the feeling that they are by my side and see the way forward. :)

    I hope you will give me this opportunity so that I can implement my idea and keep the name of the gallery alive and forever.

  • Status changed to Fixed over 1 year ago
  • 🇵🇱Poland mahyarss

    @profix898 I appreciate you

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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