- Issue created by @tinohuda
- 🇧🇪Belgium jyraya
The module is designed for working with the "Views" module.
When you create a page "View" with this module enabled, you can restrict the access to this view to the user referred in the path (URL) you set in the "Path"" option in the page settings" block of the "View" configuration.
The path option value must contain a dynamic parameter defining this user reference. Usually, the parameter inserted in the path is "%user" as for the edit form of the user profile (I.E.: "user/%user/edit").
However, it happens people wants to use another parameter format as "%uid", %employee" or even "%".The "User parameter name used in the path" field allows you telling to the system where it can find the parameter referencing the user in the path.
If I reuse the above examples, the value to insert in this field would be:
- For "%uid" (e.g. "page/%uid/personal_content"), the value to set is "uid".
- For "%employee" (e.g. "page/%employee/personal_content"), the value to set is "employee".
- For "%", it is special case as the usual 2nd part of the parameter "name" is absent. In that case, you must play with such value "arg_0".
- If you have a simple View path as "page/%/personal_content", the value is then "arg_0".
- If you have a complex View path as "page/%/blabla/%" where the second "%" represent the user-related parameter, the value is then "arg_1".
The module does not work for restricting a page "View" on a specific user, by defining a View path like "user/jyraya/personal_content".... at least yet. :-)
Does this feedback help you?