- Issue created by @paul121
- πΊπΈUnited States paul121 Spokane, WA
Specific note on boundaries: https://developer.deere.com/dev-docs/boundaries
It will contain one or more exterior rings, and it may contain interior rings. If there are interiors, they represent parts of the field that should not be worked - waterways, ditches, or other obstacles.
I'm trying my best to import these accurately. In GeoJSON a Polygon can be an array of coordinate arrays where the first item represents the exterior ring, and all others being interior. I think this works similarly in WKT but am not sure. The JD format is neither GeoJSON or WKT so it needs to be mapped.
I've done some testing, drawing complex fields in JD and the resulting data comes back with both the interior/exterior rings. The only issue I'm having is if there are multiple exterior rings, there is no easy way to say which one the interior ring is apart of. I'll leave a note of this in the code but think it is OK for now. We don't use the concept of geometry "holes" in farmOS anyways (I don't think the map lets you draw these), but I do see it being important that this fidelity not be lost when import/exporting geometries in farmOS.
- πΊπΈUnited States paul121 Spokane, WA
The solution for this requires making another request(s) for each field that we are importing. Having the import process happen via Events & batch operations makes this complexity a lot more resilient. Just implemented via π Use event subscribers for importing/updating JD data Fixed
- @paul121 opened merge request.
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 9:47pm 16 October 2023 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.