Issues with install using Site Manager instructions

Created on 22 September 2023, 9 months ago
Updated 25 September 2023, 9 months ago


Thanks for updating the install steps with lando composer operations:sites:install. Unfortunately, I'm still running into issues spinning up all 4 sites sucessfully.

On a Macbook running 13.6 with Docker Desktop downgraded to 4.16.2 and Lando 3.19.5, I get a Composer error during install.

Steps to reproduce

Following the steps in β†’

  1. git clone
  2. cd operations
  3. lando start

While Lando is starting, I see....

Composer (version 2.2.18) successfully installed to: /usr/local/bin/composer
Use it: php /usr/local/bin/composer

You must set up the project dependencies using `composer install`
See for instructions on installing Composer
ERROR ==> See for instructions on installing Composer 

I'm also being told at the end of the process that...

  _      __              _           __
 | | /| / /__ ________  (_)__  ___ _/ /
 | |/ |/ / _ `/ __/ _ \/ / _ \/ _ `/_/ 
 |__/|__/\_,_/_/ /_//_/_/_//_/\_, (_)  

Your app is starting up but we have already detected some things you may wish to investigate.
These only may be a problem.

 β–  One of your build steps failed
   This **MAY** prevent your app from working.
   Check for errors above, fix them in your Landofile, and try again by running:
   lando rebuild

If I continue and try lando composer install, I will also get...

You must set up the project dependencies using `composer install`
See for instructions on installing Composer

I can run lando php /usr/local/bin/composer install, but that will hang.

If I run composer install from the MacOS, a composer build will run. I can then run lando composer install and that will only install NodeJS v20.7.0.

Running lando composer operations:sites:install at that point will run through a series of drush @operations si ox_stock --site-name=Operations.Local --yes commands for the operations, mercury, venus and mars. These all end with Installation complete. User name: admin User password: xxxxxxx.

I cannot use just drush @mars uli. That returns Could not find the alias @mars.

lando drush @mars uli works.

If I go to is a site, but the title is Welcome to mars and the password is the one returned for the mars site by the drush @mars si standard --yes. is also routing to the mars site instance.

Using https on and return 404s. and without the https routes to the mars site.

I really have no idea if I've done something wrong with the Lando configuration or if there is an issue with this install process.

πŸ› Bug report






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States kreynen

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