Hello, I have installed Drupal 7.98 with PHP 8.1.23 and Libraries 7.x-2.5. I installed Google Auth 7.x-2.0. I composer install google/apiclient:^2.15.0 into /httpdocs/sites/all/libraries/google-api-php-client.
The structure of the directory is google-api-php-client :
I still have the error on status :
Google OAuth2
Install version "2.0.0" or latest version of the Google api php client library code (from here) in a libraries directory such as "sites/all/libraries/google-api-php-client". You can also use composer to install, read more at google api php client installation. The path should be "sites/all/libraries/google-api-php-client"
And for the module configuration :
Warning: scandir(sites/all/libraries/google-api-php-client/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service/): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in _gauth_read_scope_info() (line 271 of /var/www/vhosts/MY-WEBSITE.COM/httpdocs/sites/all/modules/contrib/gauth/gauth.module).
I can't find the solution... do I missed something ?
User interface
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
No activities found.