Accessing Solr with ngrok

Created on 31 August 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 14 September 2023, over 1 year ago

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  • Solr version:8.11.2
  • Drupal Core version: 10.
  • Search API version: 8.x-1.29
  • Search API Solr version: 4.2.12



I have Solr 8.11.2 running using basic auth on a LAMP install (Rocky Linux) on my LAN at work. Drupal 10 is running on the same LAMP. All works perfectly on the LAN.

I am using ngrok to expose services on the LAMP server to the Internet, e.g. https://ngrockxxxxx will expose port 80 to the Internet so I can browse LAN sites on my LAMP server from home.

I can also expose the Solr port 8983 in ngrok, and I can browse the Solr webpage from home and log in to it without an issue (https://ngrokxxxxx/solr).

What I want to do is access the Solr server from a Drupal website that is not on my LAMP server.

ngrok already tunnels to port 8983, so the port should not be included in the config, i.e. leave in blank in Drupal.

But I cannot find a way to leave it blank, as the port is a required field in Search API Solr when I go to "Edit search server mycore-solr."

So my question is, where can I edit the form to make this a non-required (non-starred) field so I can test the setup?
Or can I edit the blob in the database to get rid of the port number?

Basically I want to test:
Solr Host*: ngrokxxxxxx
Solr Port*: blank - because 8983 is already tunnelled.
If I leave the port in ngrok sees https://ngrokxxxxx:8983 and there is no such thing, port 8983 is implicit in https://ngrokxxxxxx.

Don't know if this is possible...

Thanks :)

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Solr Connectors

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🇦🇺Australia CBEEM

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