Tabledrag parents are not saved

Created on 31 August 2023, over 1 year ago


Aristotle theme prevents tabledrag parent value saving when reordering fields using drag and drop. This seems to happen on all forms where adding field groups or other parent elements are supported, like entity form display configuration (/admin/group/types/manage/learning_path/form-display) or webform builder (/admin/structure/webform/manage/mywebform)

Steps to reproduce

- Visit a form that allows placing fields inside field groups
- Drag a field into the inside area of a field group / Drag a field into the outside area of a field group
- Save the page
- Field parent wasn't updated (it can be seen that the Parent field isn't updating at all when "Show/Hide row weights" button is clicked after the dragging has been done)

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇫🇮Finland iSampo

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