- Issue created by @marksmith
I would like to force to automatically recompute a computed field value on a referenced taxonomy entity on saving the referencing content entity (that is: without manually resaving the referenced taxonomy entity).
1. I have a content type called "transaction", with a "field_amount" and a "field_cost_type" referencing the "cost_type" taxonomy entity.
2. The taxonomy called "cost_type" has a computed field called "field_total_cost_type". The taxonomy vocabulary is hierarchical (like Car > Fuel, Car > Insurance, etc.)
The "field_total_cost_type" on a cost_type taxonomy term calculates the total of "field_amount" values from the referencing transaction entity. This value should be recomputed whenever a new content entity of type transaction is inserted, updated or deleted.
The code below works well, but is only triggered if I manually resave the cost_type taxonomy entity.
* Computed fields on Total cost type taxonomy
function computed_field_field_total_cost_type_compute($entity_type_manager, $entity, $fields, $delta) {
$tid = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getRawParameter('taxonomy_term');
if(empty($entity->field_total_cost_type->value) || $entity->field_total_cost_type->value == 0) {
$children = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadChildren($tid);
$value = 0;
//if term has children, display total from children field_total_cost_type, otherwise display total from referencing nodes' field_amount
if(!empty($children)) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
$value += $child->field_total_cost_type->value;
else {
$results = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('type', 'transaction')
->condition('field_cost_type.entity:taxonomy_term.tid', $tid)
foreach ($results as $entity_id) {
$value += \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($entity_id)->field_amount->value;
else $value = $entity->field_total_cost_type->value;
return $value;
How can I trigger the recalculation of the computed field value on the referenced taxonomy term entity whenever the referencing transaction entity is inserted, updated or deleted?