- Issue created by @rprager
We currently have a custom DayGrid view that shows 4 days at a time.
My client has requested that I create a 32 day view that basically shows 7 more rows of 4 days.
In my custom processor I have the following custom view:
'dayGridFourDay' => array(
'type' => 'dayGrid',
'duration' => array('days' => 4),
'buttonText' => '4 day',
'columnHeaderFormat' => array(
'weekday' => 'short',
'month' => 'long',
'day' => 'numeric',
'year' => 'numeric'
I copied this to a new one and changed the duration to 32 days. Unfortunately it only displays the days horizontally. Is it possible to display every 4 days in a vertical row like a weekly view?