Multiple TOC blocks?

Created on 2 August 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 3 August 2023, over 1 year ago


I have a use case (tabs) where i want a TOC on each tab for the content within that tab. I have created a TOC block using the code here: #3264056: How to build a TOC block? , but modified slightly to allow for multiple blocks. That code would go in to a loop if i didnt add the static var at the top of the code; but for multiple blocks (each with own TOC type) i needed to change to be an array of already rendered blocks so that it would pass through the code multiple times (once per block/toc type), just not repeatedly for each block.

I think this works fine as debugging shows it looping through twice for 2 blocks (i.e. toc types) - but only 1 of them is getting rendered. The block is set to not be cached.

Is it possible something in the toc api code is preventing me from rendering 2 of these on the same page?

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🇨🇦Canada liquidcms

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  • Issue created by @liquidcms
  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed over 1 year ago
  • 🇨🇦Canada liquidcms

    This issue is due to how i was rendering my TOC blocks. I suspect when i render content to add block and then render i render again, the first block is lost from the render array.

    I changed how i do this by only rendering the field i am parsing for each toc block and it works fine.

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