- 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
Hmm, there is not much information. Can you please provide step by step instructions on how to get to this error together with version numbers of every used component, including PHP, database, Drupal Core, DRD and others? Also, please describe how you installed Drupal and the modules and how you instantiate the Drupal site before getting to this point.
I know this is a lot to ask for, but I assume there is some error in setting up the site, because so many users are using this module without an issue, so I have doubts that there is an error in it that would cause this.
Regarding versions :
Website that I want to use as dashboard is running on Drupal 9.5.10.
PHP version is 8.0.12.
Database is MySQL 8.0.18-9.
DRD : 4.0.9
DRD Agent is in a Drupal 7.95 website, suning drd_agent version 7.x-3.6The dashboard was installed following the drupal installation guide, by running the install.php script in browser.
All required and recommended modules in the DRD installation guide were installed ( https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/drupal-remote-dashboard/getting-st... → )- 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
There must be some other module that rewrites your SQL query from that view.
Your SQL statement from above looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT "drd_project_drd_major"."label" AS "drd_project_drd_major_label", "drd_release"."updatestatus" AS "drd_release_updatestatus", "drd_project_drd_major"."type" AS "drd_project_drd_major_type", "drd_release"."id" AS "id_1", "releases_drd_release"."id" AS "releases_drd_release_id", "drd_major_drd_release"."id" AS "drd_major_drd_release_id", "drd_project_drd_major"."id" AS "drd_project_drd_major_id", id AS "id", name AS "name", secure AS "secure", updatestatus AS "updatestatus", label AS "label" FROM "drd_release" "drd_release" INNER JOIN "drd_domain__releases" "drd_domain__releases" ON drd_release.id = drd_domain__releases.releases_target_id INNER JOIN "drd_domain" "releases_drd_release" ON drd_domain__releases.entity_id = releases_drd_release.id INNER JOIN "drd_major" "drd_major_drd_release" ON drd_release.major = drd_major_drd_release.id INNER JOIN "drd_project" "drd_project_drd_major" ON drd_major_drd_release.project = drd_project_drd_major.id WHERE ((releases_drd_release.core = :drd_domain_core2)) AND (("drd_major_drd_release"."hidden" = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND ("drd_major_drd_release"."parentproject" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "drd_project_drd_major_type" ASC, "drd_project_drd_major_label" ASC;
However, when I run this on a fresh installation, the SQL statement looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT "drd_project_drd_major"."label" AS "drd_project_drd_major_label", "drd_release"."updatestatus" AS "drd_release_updatestatus", "drd_project_drd_major"."type" AS "drd_project_drd_major_type", "drd_release"."id" AS "id", "releases_drd_release"."id" AS "releases_drd_release_id", "drd_major_drd_release"."id" AS "drd_major_drd_release_id", "drd_project_drd_major"."id" AS "drd_project_drd_major_id" FROM {drd_release} "drd_release" INNER JOIN {drd_domain__releases} "drd_domain__releases" ON drd_release.id = drd_domain__releases.releases_target_id INNER JOIN {drd_domain} "releases_drd_release" ON drd_domain__releases.entity_id = releases_drd_release.id INNER JOIN {drd_major} "drd_major_drd_release" ON drd_release.major = drd_major_drd_release.id INNER JOIN {drd_project} "drd_project_drd_major" ON drd_major_drd_release.project = drd_project_drd_major.id WHERE ((releases_drd_release.core = '20')) AND (("drd_major_drd_release"."hidden" = '0') AND ("drd_major_drd_release"."parentproject" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "drd_project_drd_major_type" ASC, "drd_project_drd_major_label" ASC;
In your SQL statement there are 5 extra fields in lines 8-12 that certainly don't come from DRD, but they cause this issue. Maybe you try with the latest DRD version 4.1.x-dev to see if you can still reproduce the problem with that?
It seems there was indeed a problem with my drupal installation causing the 4 lines in the SQL query to appear.
Re installed of Drupal solved the issue.
Thank you for your assistance- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 1:53pm 28 July 2023 - 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen
This is great news, thanks for letting us know.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.