Would it be possible to make a version of this that supports PHP 7.4?
While trying to use it on PHP 7.4 I get the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Property of type Drupal\\views_data_export_phpspreadsheet\\Encoder\\mixed may not have default value in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/views_data_export_phpspreadsheet/src/Encoder/XlsEncoder.php on line 37
Since PHP 7.4.33 is the latest version of PHP 7 (which also has had it's support discontinued since 2022), it would be nice to support it. Maybe even later update to support to 8 as well.
Also, views_data_export works with 7.4 and many of the changes from 72~7.4 will possibly have to to with types.
Closed: outdated