Pagination text is not visible in the pagination

Created on 17 July 2023, 11 months ago
Updated 20 July 2023, 11 months ago

Pagination text is not visible in the pagination in d10. Is there any setting in it.

💬 Support request

Closed: outdated





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  • Issue created by @pankaj1390
  • Status changed to Closed: outdated 11 months ago
  • 🇮🇩Indonesia gausarts

    You are right. Just noticed it a few days ago.

    Was fixed yesterday or so.
    Check out DEV.

    Feel free to re-open if still an issue.

  • Hi @gausarts, Why it is not fixed in 1.0.7 as its latest version. Also I found the module is not well documented even module is very useful.
    I have many other issues see on them: ✨ How we add set play and pause button as single rather than two Fixed

    Please update fixes in latest version 1.0.7 and also add document with a proper guideline to implemented it.

  • Hi gausarts, Still the pagination Text option is unavailable. Not sure you fixed it and tested. See pagination-1.png

  • 🇮🇩Indonesia gausarts

    Regarding hidden options, you must use the closest versions with blazy as mentioned at Blazy project home, docs, etc.
    DEV for DEV, full for full, etc.

    Regarding docs, may I know which one is not clear so we can correct them? That would be more actionable than general statements.

    We should improve the docs more, indeed.

    As it is an opensource, it also relies on your contributions.
    You are very much welcome to improve them so to benefit others.
    I am happy to accept any betterment, even a single compelling line as proven by accepted one-liner patches in my works.

    BTW, are you sure you have read the provided docs?

    If not, you can read any module docs at:

    • /admin/help
    • their project homes
    • library documentations offline in your local /libraries and online:,, etc.
    • descriptions at each form items
    • If they are not clear, check out their tests folders, if any.
    • Or dig dive to the lines of codes.
    • Or just play around with options, and see which works best?
    • Also project issues for more.

    I just did a little math, and they are worth more than 1000 blog posts.
    This module alone has docs worth 616 blog posts. Not lacking, but overwhelmed, I would say.


    Module documentations normally account for MD files + TEST files for the real world testable samples.

    cloc .../var/www/html.../splide/docs/*.md
           8 text files.
           8 unique files.                              
           0 files ignored. v 1.90  T=0.01 s (708.7 files/s, 85223.8 lines/s)
    Language                     files          blank        comment           code
    Markdown                         8            254              0            708
    SUM:                             8            254              0            708
    cloc /var/www/html.../splide/tests
          20 text files.
          20 unique files.                              
           1 file ignored. v 1.90  T=0.02 s (923.7 files/s, 69376.8 lines/s)
    Language                     files          blank        comment           code
    PHP                             12            224            364            743
    YAML                             3              0              0             59
    CSS                              3              3              9              9
    Twig                             1              0             13              3
    SUM:                            19            227            386            814

    MD + TESTS:
    85223 + 69376 = 154599 lines

    Minus blank lines: 254 + 224 = 478
    154599 - 478 = 154121 lines.

    A Google go-getters blog post is worth 1500-2500 words.
    A line may contain 10 -15 words, a little math with the minimum words says:

    154121 x 10 = 1541210 words / 2500 words equals to 616 blog posts.

    This module has a documentation worth 616 Google go-getters blog posts with each post containing 2500 words.

    Not to mention the docs in each form item worth another 2 blog posts.
    Plus the minimum doc comments worth exactly 1 blog post.

    Again even after seeing such huge blog posts in a tiny module, I agreed, we should improve the docs even more.
    You contributions are always welcome, your turn.

    But are you even reading them? The first issue about the "still hidden options" says you didn't?

    The problem is when I added 616+ blog posts, they said too much info, in another issue for real :)
    I am not a good blogger, may I know how many blog posts in a module that are good enough to make everyone happy?
    I won't try to make them all happy, but just good to know if you do :)

    Project issues should speak the exact one issue at a time, not in general. That would be unfair given such a huge blog posts amount, right?

    Feel free to clarify more your exact "unclear" issue you mentioned about so we can fix them.

  • Hi @gausarts install dev version of splide (composer require 'drupal/splide:1.0.x-dev@dev') and blazy( → ) but still pagination text option are not available pagination-issue.png. Can you please fix it.

  • 🇮🇩Indonesia gausarts

    Check this out:

    It was a feature request, not mine. I don't use it. Should be there if you have those fields, in ALL media types, IIRC.

    Maybe we should make it visible before the field exists? Patches are welcome.

    Let me know?

  • Hi gausarts, Two year ago you posted a patch and image that properly showing pagination text field ( → ) and now you are saying I don't use it. Its strange. Have you created this module or someone else? →
    I print defination array and it saying

    [plugin_id] => splide
    [settings] => Array
    [thumbnail] => field_image
    [pagination_text] =>
    [optionset_nav] => default
    [skin_nav] => asnavfor
    [nav_caption] => field_name
    [thumbnail_effect] =>
    [navpos] => left
    [optionset] => slider
    [override] => 1
    [overridables] => Array

    I checked fields and no pagination text field is defined. Where $definition['pagination_texts'] is defined. Is this defind in blazy module or is there any field that i need to create. i have two text fields in the view.

  • 🇮🇩Indonesia gausarts

    > Hi gausarts, Two year ago you posted a patch and image that properly showing pagination text field ( → ...) and now you are saying I don't use it. Its strange.
    Yoyoyo :)

    You didn't read the OP in the related issue you put, nor my comments above.

    It was his patch and works. I was just happy to put his contribution, and modified a bit.

    And to verify and agree that his works good, I put that screenshot. It didn't mean I used it. I just appreciated his works and showed it was good as seen in the screenshot.

    > Have you created this module or someone else?
    You got a problem reading docs, and project issues. The module codes were stolen hilariously from Slick's as disclaimed/ credited at project home and docs. And Slick module author since 7.2 to D10 had been me, and helped by many other contributors.

    And I have answered what you wanted to know to solve that hidden option, read back #7 very carefully.

    Also read the related issue carefully again, do not just jump to screenshots :)

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