- Issue created by @prudloff
- 🇫🇷France prudloff Lille
This would require the patch from ✨ Let GDToolkit support AVIF image format Needs work in order to work.
- Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 6:15am 19 September 2023 - 🇦🇺Australia mstrelan
The quality setting seems to have no effect. If I set it to 1, 60 or 90 I get the same result.
- 🇦🇺Australia mstrelan
Added a new MR that includes 📌 Test coverage Needs review so we can test this. It will fail until ✨ Let GDToolkit support AVIF image format Needs work is in, but we could see if we can apply a patch in the meantime.
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 6:05am 27 September 2023 - 🇦🇺Australia mstrelan
I think this is good to go in as it is without waiting for core. If the core toolkit does not support avif then we'll get the "Your image toolkit gd doesn't support AVIF format" message in the logs. I've opened 📌 Prevent selection of unsupported toolkits Active to prevent it being selected when it's not supported.
I think the image quality issue should be addressed separately. We are passing the quality as a parameter to
but GdToolkit ignores it. - Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 5:28am 4 October 2023 - 🇦🇺Australia nterbogt
This change is supported at a functional level. But I don't think we should merge it until the bug in core is fixed... or 📌 Prevent selection of unsupported toolkits Active is implemented and merged and we can detect that you have the required patch.
For ease of finding, core patch listed above is ✨ Let GDToolkit support AVIF image format Needs work
- Status changed to Postponed
about 2 months ago 10:41pm 22 January 2025 - 🇦🇺Australia mstrelan
Tried to rebase but too many issues, merged in 1.1.x and resolve the conflict on composer.json
Postponing on ✨ Let GDToolkit support AVIF image format Needs work anyway
- 🇫🇷France prudloff Lille
prudloff → changed the visibility of the branch 3375023-add-support-for to hidden.