Add new email adjuster to inline CSS attached to tokens

Created on 4 July 2023, 12 months ago
Updated 2 August 2023, 11 months ago


Tokens might come with attached CSS libraries. In some cases, you might want to inline those libraries so that the tokens will be shown as expected in the HTML mail. In other cases you might choose to not inline those libraries and only inline other CSS attached to the mail, because the CSS of the token might not be optimized for display inside HTML mails.

Symfony Mailer currently does not inline CSS libraries attached to tokens.

My real world use case:

  1. Use contributed diff module with patch from Provide diff tokens for nodes Needs review to provide diff tokens for content.
  2. Use content moderation from Drupal core.
  3. Send HTML mails to reviewers upon change of moderation state of content to "Needs review" containing an overview of the changes between the current revision and the new draft via a diff token. This really needs the libraries attached to the token so that it looks nice.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have a token with attached CSS libraries.
  2. Use the body email adjuster to override the body for a mailer policy and insert the token into the body field.
  3. Send mail using that mailer policy.

Proposed resolution

I propose a separate email adjuster that will optionally inline the CSS from the tokens added to subject/body fields so that you have some leeway over when you want to inline that CSS. As stated above, in some cases you might not want to inline that CSS because it might not be optimized for use in an HTML mail and instead provide your own CSS, attach that to the mail and inline it using the inline CSS adjuster. So this should be optional.

The current implementation is designed to work with the existing inline CSS adjuster. The new adjuster has a lower weight so it will run before the inline CSS adjuster.

Instead of adding new API methods to get and set the token metadata and then attach the libraries in the processor or changing the valid phases of existing API methods so that they could be used for passing the metadata, I opted to just add one new API method called hasProcessor that can be used to check if a processor is configured for an email. That way, we can check for the token CSS processor in the token trait and can add the libraries there and do not need to make more changes to the API to pass the token metadata to the processor first.

I decided to add this as a separate processor instead of an option to the inline css processor so that we don't need to change existing configuration.

For my use case, I didn't need to set this adjuster in the default mailer policy, so I have no need to override the processor configuration to explicitly disable the processor in other policies. If we think this might make sense, we could add a configuration option to the adjuster to enable/disable the functionality.

For now, I've added the tests to the existing test mail test class. We might want to move this to a separate test class for clarity or keep it there for potentially easier maintenance.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes

New "Token CSS" adjuster available for selection/configuration in mailer policies.

API changes

New hasProcessor() method in EmailInterface.

Data model changes


Feature request

Needs work





Created by

🇩🇪Germany FeyP

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  • Issue created by @FeyP
  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Needs work 12 months ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany FeyP

    Attached is a patch against 1.x-dev.

  • Status changed to Needs review 12 months ago
  • Open in Jenkins → Open on →
    Core: 9.5.x + Environment: PHP 7.4 & MySQL 5.7
    last update 12 months ago
    6 pass
  • Open in Jenkins → Open on →
    Core: 9.5.x + Environment: PHP 7.4 & MySQL 5.7
    last update 12 months ago
    4 pass, 2 fail
  • 🇩🇪Germany FeyP

    Doh, wanted to set this to Needs review, of course.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom AdamPS

    Great thanks for the issue and patch. It's an interesting case. As far as I can see, the patch works like this:

    1. The site admin using the GUI has responsibility for choosing whether or not to add token CSS
    2. They have a single choice yes/no which applies to all of the tokens.

    I'm wondering if these are always going to be the right choices. Maybe the choice is not so much site-dependent - for each CSS library either it is suitable for email or not?? Maybe a developer or CSS expert is the best one to decide, so the choice should be made in code rather than config (there could be a hook)?? Maybe we need to be able to choose per library??

    Do you have an example where it would be bad to add the CSS library to a mail?

  • 🇩🇪Germany FeyP

    Maybe we need to be able to choose per library??

    It would probably be best if you were able to choose this per library, but then it also gets complicated. With the current implementation, you can just add the processor and if the CSS fits, which you can simply test, you're done. If not, you can choose to not use the processor and instead add to your own mail css library or just keep the plain output of the token without the library. I think in at least 80% of the cases, this yes/no choice per mailer policy should be enough. Everything else would either require more complicated configuration that might involve reading code (so I guess we don't want to do that) or you have some kind of hook or event that you need to re-write for every use case. If Symfony Mailer gained more traction or was merged into core, then I could imagine that this might be an additional key in the library definition or something like that. But for now, I don't think implementing a hook for that would make much sense. Then I could also straight-away implement a hook to inline that additional library for that type of mail policy.

    Do you have an example where it would be bad to add the CSS library to a mail?

    Not really, no. I just know that often you still need some hacks to support certain mail clients, especially if the markup or css rules get more complex. I think w/r/t email we're somehow still stuck in the 90s, so to say. In my opinion, developing an email template for a newsletter is still a lot like web development used to be before Mozilla Firebird/fox became a thing and the browser wars ended. My assumption was that CSS attached to tokens is most likely optimized for display in modern browsers and might therefore not necessarily be suitable for inclusion by default, so you probably wanted some kind of choice as a site builder.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom AdamPS

    >> Do you have an example where it would be bad to add the CSS library to a mail?
    > Not really, no

    I'm concerned this patch is moderately complex and it's speculative if it's the right fix. We have one example where the CSS is good (the issue you linked to) and zero examples where it's bad. Maybe instead we should always add the token CSS; maybe a hook to control it; maybe a GUI field to blacklist libraries; maybe as you say a key in the library definition, which could be added in for existing libraries using an alter.

    Secondly I am concerned that this adjuster isn't well-suited to GUI admins. The other adjusters in this module so far are directly linked to parts of the email and underlying email interface. The admins might look down the list of adjusters and are confused by this one (what is this Token CSS?) or when actually they would benefit from the token CSS, they don't understand the situation enough in order to enable it.

    Here's my proposal. The base module should contain enough to allow people to write the adjusters or hooks. The rest we postpone for now - or if you are willing to start the "extra" module (which I feel could be very minimally maintained yet still useful) then it could go there.

    In TokenProcessorTrait we can put token libraries from the body (probably no point for the subject) somewhere for other code to find them, and optionally call addLibrary(). However I'm not sure where we put them. setParam() is intended for the parameters chosen by the code that sends the email (maybe it would even be removed in 📌 Improvement to email sending interface Needs work ). setVariable() is intended for twig template variables. Neither one is currently allowed after rendering. I guess we could add set()/get() of arbitrary properties like on FormStateInterface which also has get/set of values.

  • 🇩🇪Germany FeyP

    Maybe instead we should always add the token CSS

    That would probably work for me. If you'd be willing to take it, I could write a patch for that. I'd just have to double check on a few systems first, maybe there actually is an example for a "bad" token library hidden somewhere in one of them...

    if you are willing to start the "extra" module (which I feel could be very minimally maintained yet still useful) then it could go there.

    As I said in the other issue, I'll seriously think about that, however I guess that would still require some API changes here, because we'd still need some way to access either the bubbleable metadata or the token libraries.

    In TokenProcessorTrait we can put token libraries from the body

    I agree that we don't need this for the subject. Body should be enough.

    I was also unsure about how to best pass on the data, that's why I finally took the approach of adding the libraries directly in TokenTrait, because I didn't want to change the scope of the other methods and adding additional get/set methods to the interface just for this seemed like being a little bit too much. There is also still the issue of token replacement in mail addresses (that's eventually going to be another issue/patch ;). For now I have added that to AddressAdjusterBase, but ideally I'd need a way to access the token data (and token options) there to make this work nicely, which I can't... I didn't yet figure out how to best implement that as well.

    Maybe having the possibility to add arbitrary metadata to the email object is a good idea. If we can't just always add the token libraries for some reason, then I'd suggest we look into that further.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom AdamPS

    There is also still the issue of token replacement in mail addresses

    See also #3312071: Replace tokens in Plain text alternative .

    Maybe having the possibility to add arbitrary metadata to the email object is a good idea.

    I've thought some more, and I suggest we use setParam() - we can remove the restriction that it is only valid during initialisation.

    I guess that would still require some API changes here, because we'd still need some way to access either the bubbleable metadata or the token libraries.

    That's exactly what I was thinking and I propose we do it in this issue. We can do $email->setParam('token_libraries', XXX). Then it's possible for custom code to do any of the "maybe" solutions I described, e.g. a hook that always adds the CSS or an adjuster that selectively adds it.

    >> Maybe instead we should always add the token CSS
    > That would probably work for me. If you'd be willing to take it, I could write a patch for that.
    I mean that it might be the right solution - however we don't have much data on how well the token CSS works in email. In the worst case this could break email formatting on people's sites.

    In the long run I think it's the right direction. On my sites we attach the entire theme CSS onto emails with just a few modifications (for example for .clearfix and floating images). We could even have code in ad adjuster to map arbitrary CSS and make it work better for email.

  • Status changed to Needs work 11 months ago
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom AdamPS
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