Trouble updating from 10.0.9 to 10.1.0

Created on 30 June 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 8 December 2023, about 1 year ago

I am currently running 10.0.9 and it shows in the admin that I have an available update to 10.1.0. I ran

composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies

just like I always do for my core updates, but the only things that update are:

  - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (10.0.9 => 10.1.0)
  - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (10.0.9 => 10.1.0)

and that's it. Drupal doesn't actually update to 10.1.0. I have cleared cache and ran dB updates and it still does this behavior. I also tried deleting the core directory and running it. After it updates those two things, if I run it again, it just says "Nothing to install". Did. my .lock file get messed up perhaps? I'm not sure how to remedy this now to get to the latest version.


💬 Support request

Closed: duplicate




Last updated about 9 hours ago

No maintainer
Created by

🇺🇸United States socalerich

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @socalerich
  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info over 1 year ago
  • …Neither do we, because you didn’t show the composer.json file any you didn’t show the commands you typed and the full output. Let’s see those please.

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    The command I gave
    composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies

    The result:

    Gathering patches for root package.
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Info from #StandWithUkraine
    Updating dependencies
    Lock file operations: 0 installs, 2 updates, 0 removals
      - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (10.0.9 => 10.1.0)
      - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (10.0.9 => 10.1.0)
    Writing lock file
    Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
    Nothing to install, update or remove
    Generating autoload files
    54 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!


        "name": "drupal/recommended-project",
        "description": "Project template for Drupal projects with a relocated document root",
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            "jackmoore/colorbox": "^1.6",
            "league/commonmark": "^2.4",
            "phpmailer/phpmailer": "^6.8"
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            "drupal/drupal": "*"
        "minimum-stability": "dev",
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        "config": {
            "allow-plugins": {
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                "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": true,
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                    "[web-root]/sites/": false
                "excludes": [
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            "patches": {
                "drupal/backup_migrate": {
                    "2663046 - Support the mysql connection class, not just mysqli": "",
                    "3228379 - Failed network - error": ""
                "drupal/gin": {
                    "3309235 - Entity Browser Layout broken - views filters, more-link and footer positioned in line": ""


        "_readme": [
            "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
            "Read more about it at",
            "This file is @generated automatically"
        "content-hash": "4b1e530a92624ee9f56e472b3a8b3dac",
        "packages": [
                "name": "aptoma/twig-markdown",
                "version": "3.4.1",
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                    "php": "^7.2.5|^8.0",
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                    "knplabs/github-api": "Needed for using GitHub's Markdown engine provided through their API.",
                    "michelf/php-markdown": "Original Markdown engine with MarkdownExtra."
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                        "email": ""
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                "description": "Twig extension to work with Markdown content",
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                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
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                "name": "asm89/stack-cors",
                "version": "v2.1.1",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
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                    "url": "",
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                        "name": "AWS SDK Common Runtime Team",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "AWS Common Runtime for PHP",
                "homepage": "",
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                    "doctrine/cache": "To use the DoctrineCacheAdapter",
                    "ext-curl": "To send requests using cURL",
                    "ext-openssl": "Allows working with CloudFront private distributions and verifying received SNS messages",
                    "ext-sockets": "To use client-side monitoring"
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                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
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                "version": "v1.4.2",
                "source": {
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                    "url": "",
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                    "url": "",
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                        "email": "",
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                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
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                        "email": "",
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                        "homepage": ""
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                    "url": "",
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                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "fd263e3e9341d29758025b1a9b2878e3247525be",
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                    "symfony/console": "^4.4.8|^5|^6",
                    "symfony/event-dispatcher": "^4.4.8|^5|^6",
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                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-12-06T22:57:25+00:00"
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                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "597f8d7fbeef801736250ec10c3e190569b1b0ae"
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                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "597f8d7fbeef801736250ec10c3e190569b1b0ae",
                    "shasum": ""
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                    "symfony/console": "^4 || ^5 || ^6",
                    "symfony/yaml": "^4 || ^5 || ^6",
                    "yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^1"
                "suggest": {
                    "symfony/event-dispatcher": "Required to inject configuration into Command options",
                    "symfony/yaml": "Required to use Consolidation\\Config\\Loader\\YamlConfigLoader"
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                "extra": {
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                "authors": [
                        "name": "Greg Anderson",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Provide configuration services for a commandline tool.",
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                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-10-06T17:48:03+00:00"
                "name": "consolidation/filter-via-dot-access-data",
                "version": "2.0.2",
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                    "url": "",
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                    "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3",
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                        "name": "Greg Anderson",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "This project uses dflydev/dot-access-data to provide simple output filtering for applications built with annotated-command / Robo.",
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "time": "2021-12-30T03:56:08+00:00"
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                "version": "3.0.0",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "caaad9d70dae54eb49002666f000e3c607066878"
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                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.0.0",
                    "psr/log": "^3",
                    "symfony/console": "^5 || ^6"
                "require-dev": {
                    "phpunit/phpunit": ">=7.5.20",
                    "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3",
                    "yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^0.2.0"
                "type": "library",
                "extra": {
                    "branch-alias": {
                        "dev-main": "2.x-dev"
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                "license": [
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                        "name": "Greg Anderson",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Improved Psr-3 / Psr\\Log logger based on Symfony Console components.",
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                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-04-05T16:53:32+00:00"
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                    "url": "",
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                    "php": ">=7.1.3",
                    "symfony/console": "^4|^5|^6",
                    "symfony/finder": "^4|^5|^6"
                "require-dev": {
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                    "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3",
                    "symfony/var-dumper": "^4|^5|^6",
                    "symfony/yaml": "^4|^5|^6",
                    "yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^0.2.0"
                "suggest": {
                    "symfony/var-dumper": "For using the var_dump formatter"
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                        "name": "Greg Anderson",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Format text by applying transformations provided by plug-in formatters.",
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                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-10-17T04:01:40+00:00"
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                    "symfony/finder": "^6",
                    "symfony/process": "^6",
                    "symfony/yaml": "^6"
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                    "patchwork/jsqueeze": "For minifying JS files in taskMinify",
                    "pear/archive_tar": "Allows tar archives to be created and extracted in taskPack and taskExtract, respectively.",
                    "totten/lurkerlite": "For monitoring filesystem changes in taskWatch"
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                "license": [
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                        "name": "Davert",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Modern task runner",
                "support": {
                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-12-07T14:13:05+00:00"
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                "version": "2.0.5",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
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                        "name": "Alexander Menk",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Greg Anderson",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Provides a self:update command for Symfony Console applications.",
                "support": {
                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-02-09T22:44:24+00:00"
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                    "symfony/filesystem": "^5.4 || ^6",
                    "symfony/finder": "^5 || ^6"
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                    "yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^0.2.0"
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                        "name": "Greg Anderson",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Moshe Weitzman",
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                "description": "Manage alias records for local and remote sites.",
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                    "source": ""
                "time": "2022-10-14T03:41:22+00:00"
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                "description": "A thin wrapper around the Symfony Process Component that allows applications to use the Site Alias library to specify the target for a remote call.",
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                    "source": ""
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                    "psr-4": {
                        "cweagans\\Composer\\": "src"
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                "authors": [
                        "name": "Cameron Eagans",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Provides a way to patch Composer packages.",
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                    "source": ""
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                        "name": "Carlos Frutos",
                        "email": "",
                        "homepage": ""
                        "name": "Colin O'Dell",
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                        "name": "Benjamin Eberlei",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Jonathan Wage",
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                        "name": "Johannes Schmitt",
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                        "name": "Roman Borschel",
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                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Jonathan Wage",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Johannes Schmitt",
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                "description": "PHP Doctrine Collections library that adds additional functionality on top of PHP arrays.",
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                    "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.0",
                    "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^6.1",
                    "vimeo/psalm": "^4.4"
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                    "psr-4": {
                        "Doctrine\\Common\\": "src"
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                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Roman Borschel",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Benjamin Eberlei",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Jonathan Wage",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Johannes Schmitt",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Marco Pivetta",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "PHP Doctrine Common project is a library that provides additional functionality that other Doctrine projects depend on such as better reflection support, proxies and much more.",
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                    "phpstan/phpstan": "1.4.10 || 1.10.15",
                    "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.0",
                    "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5 || ^8.5 || ^9.5",
                    "psalm/plugin-phpunit": "0.18.4",
                    "psr/log": "^1 || ^2 || ^3",
                    "vimeo/psalm": "4.30.0 || 5.12.0"
                "suggest": {
                    "psr/log": "Allows logging deprecations via PSR-3 logger implementation"
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
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                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
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                "time": "2023-06-03T09:27:29+00:00"
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                    "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5",
                    "vimeo/psalm": "^4.28"
                "type": "library",
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                    "psr-4": {
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                        "name": "Guilherme Blanco",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Roman Borschel",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Benjamin Eberlei",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Jonathan Wage",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Johannes Schmitt",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Marco Pivetta",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "The Doctrine Event Manager is a simple PHP event system that was built to be used with the various Doctrine projects.",
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                    "event dispatcher",
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                "source": {
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                    "url": "",
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                        "email": "",
                        "role": "Maintainer"
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                        "role": "Maintainer"
                        "name": "Tim Plunkett (tim.plunkett)",
                        "homepage": "",
                        "role": "Maintainer"
                        "name": "James Gilliland (neclimdul)",
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                        "role": "Maintainer"
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                    "url": "",
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                    "ext-gd": "to use Image",
                    "ext-iconv": "to use Strings::webalize(), toAscii(), chr() and reverse()",
                    "ext-intl": "to use Strings::webalize(), toAscii(), normalize() and compare()",
                    "ext-json": "to use Nette\\Utils\\Json",
                    "ext-mbstring": "to use Strings::lower() etc...",
                    "ext-tokenizer": "to use Nette\\Utils\\Reflection::getUseStatements()",
                    "ext-xml": "to use Strings::length() etc. when mbstring is not available"
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                    "ext-readline": "Enables support for arrow-key history navigation, and showing and manipulating command history."
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                    "symfony/yaml": "<5.4"
                "require-dev": {
                    "doctrine/annotations": "^1.12|^2",
                    "psr/log": "^1|^2|^3",
                    "symfony/config": "^6.2",
                    "symfony/dependency-injection": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/expression-language": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-foundation": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/yaml": "^5.4|^6.0"
                "suggest": {
                    "symfony/config": "For using the all-in-one router or any loader",
                    "symfony/expression-language": "For using expression matching",
                    "symfony/http-foundation": "For using a Symfony Request object",
                    "symfony/yaml": "For using the YAML loader"
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Maps an HTTP request to a set of configuration variables",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-06-05T15:29:05+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/serializer",
                "version": "v6.2.12",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "7be4b2fd8f385904887aa09ee08a4e4adee4c0d2"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "7be4b2fd8f385904887aa09ee08a4e4adee4c0d2",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1",
                    "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "~1.8"
                "conflict": {
                    "doctrine/annotations": "<1.12",
                    "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "<3.2.2",
                    "phpdocumentor/type-resolver": "<1.4.0",
                    "symfony/dependency-injection": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/property-access": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/property-info": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/uid": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/yaml": "<5.4"
                "require-dev": {
                    "doctrine/annotations": "^1.12|^2",
                    "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "^3.2|^4.0|^5.0",
                    "symfony/cache": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/config": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/dependency-injection": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/error-handler": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/filesystem": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/form": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-foundation": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-kernel": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/mime": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/property-access": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/property-info": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/uid": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/validator": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/var-dumper": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/var-exporter": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/yaml": "^5.4|^6.0"
                "suggest": {
                    "psr/cache-implementation": "For using the metadata cache.",
                    "symfony/config": "For using the XML mapping loader.",
                    "symfony/mime": "For using a MIME type guesser within the DataUriNormalizer.",
                    "symfony/property-access": "For using the ObjectNormalizer.",
                    "symfony/property-info": "To deserialize relations.",
                    "symfony/var-exporter": "For using the metadata compiler.",
                    "symfony/yaml": "For using the default YAML mapping loader."
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\Serializer\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Handles serializing and deserializing data structures, including object graphs, into array structures or other formats like XML and JSON.",
                "homepage": "",
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-05-30T17:07:47+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/service-contracts",
                "version": "v3.2.1",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "a8c9cedf55f314f3a186041d19537303766df09a"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "a8c9cedf55f314f3a186041d19537303766df09a",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1",
                    "psr/container": "^2.0"
                "conflict": {
                    "ext-psr": "<1.1|>=2"
                "suggest": {
                    "symfony/service-implementation": ""
                "type": "library",
                "extra": {
                    "branch-alias": {
                        "dev-main": "3.3-dev"
                    "thanks": {
                        "name": "symfony/contracts",
                        "url": ""
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Contracts\\Service\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Generic abstractions related to writing services",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-03-01T10:32:47+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/string",
                "version": "v6.2.8",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "193e83bbd6617d6b2151c37fff10fa7168ebddef"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "193e83bbd6617d6b2151c37fff10fa7168ebddef",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1",
                    "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "~1.8",
                    "symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme": "~1.0",
                    "symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer": "~1.0",
                    "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "~1.0"
                "conflict": {
                    "symfony/translation-contracts": "<2.0"
                "require-dev": {
                    "symfony/error-handler": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-client": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/intl": "^6.2",
                    "symfony/translation-contracts": "^2.0|^3.0",
                    "symfony/var-exporter": "^5.4|^6.0"
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "files": [
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\String\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-03-20T16:06:02+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/translation-contracts",
                "version": "v3.2.1",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "dfec258b9dd17a6b24420d464c43bffe347441c8"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "dfec258b9dd17a6b24420d464c43bffe347441c8",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1"
                "suggest": {
                    "symfony/translation-implementation": ""
                "type": "library",
                "extra": {
                    "branch-alias": {
                        "dev-main": "3.3-dev"
                    "thanks": {
                        "name": "symfony/contracts",
                        "url": ""
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Contracts\\Translation\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Generic abstractions related to translation",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-03-01T10:32:47+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/validator",
                "version": "v6.2.12",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "1c22c832e9415c381a7186618f0319cda6fd5618"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "1c22c832e9415c381a7186618f0319cda6fd5618",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1",
                    "symfony/deprecation-contracts": "^2.1|^3",
                    "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "~1.8",
                    "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "~1.0",
                    "symfony/translation-contracts": "^1.1|^2|^3"
                "conflict": {
                    "doctrine/annotations": "<1.13",
                    "doctrine/lexer": "<1.1",
                    "symfony/dependency-injection": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/expression-language": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/http-kernel": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/intl": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/property-info": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/translation": "<5.4",
                    "symfony/yaml": "<5.4"
                "require-dev": {
                    "doctrine/annotations": "^1.13|^2",
                    "egulias/email-validator": "^2.1.10|^3|^4",
                    "symfony/cache": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/config": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/console": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/dependency-injection": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/expression-language": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/finder": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-client": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-foundation": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/http-kernel": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/intl": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/mime": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/property-access": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/property-info": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/translation": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/yaml": "^5.4|^6.0"
                "suggest": {
                    "egulias/email-validator": "Strict (RFC compliant) email validation",
                    "psr/cache-implementation": "For using the mapping cache.",
                    "symfony/config": "",
                    "symfony/expression-language": "For using the Expression validator and the ExpressionLanguageSyntax constraints",
                    "symfony/http-foundation": "",
                    "symfony/intl": "",
                    "symfony/property-access": "For accessing properties within comparison constraints",
                    "symfony/property-info": "To automatically add NotNull and Type constraints",
                    "symfony/translation": "For translating validation errors.",
                    "symfony/yaml": ""
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Provides tools to validate values",
                "homepage": "",
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-06-21T12:07:00+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/var-dumper",
                "version": "v6.2.12",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "facbf30fe37f62e0ea50972467c08b7e80d22ed0"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "facbf30fe37f62e0ea50972467c08b7e80d22ed0",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1",
                    "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "~1.0"
                "conflict": {
                    "symfony/console": "<5.4"
                "require-dev": {
                    "ext-iconv": "*",
                    "symfony/console": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/process": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "symfony/uid": "^5.4|^6.0",
                    "twig/twig": "^2.13|^3.0.4"
                "suggest": {
                    "ext-iconv": "To convert non-UTF-8 strings to UTF-8 (or symfony/polyfill-iconv in case ext-iconv cannot be used).",
                    "ext-intl": "To show region name in time zone dump",
                    "symfony/console": "To use the ServerDumpCommand and/or the bin/var-dump-server script"
                "bin": [
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "files": [
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\VarDumper\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-06-20T21:12:34+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/var-exporter",
                "version": "v6.2.10",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "9a07920c2058bafee921ce4d90aeef2193837d63"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "9a07920c2058bafee921ce4d90aeef2193837d63",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1"
                "require-dev": {
                    "symfony/var-dumper": "^5.4|^6.0"
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Allows exporting any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-04-21T08:33:05+00:00"
                "name": "symfony/yaml",
                "version": "v6.2.10",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "61916f3861b1e9705b18cfde723921a71dd1559d"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "61916f3861b1e9705b18cfde723921a71dd1559d",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=8.1",
                    "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "^1.8"
                "conflict": {
                    "symfony/console": "<5.4"
                "require-dev": {
                    "symfony/console": "^5.4|^6.0"
                "suggest": {
                    "symfony/console": "For validating YAML files using the lint command"
                "bin": [
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Symfony\\Component\\Yaml\\": ""
                    "exclude-from-classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                        "email": ""
                        "name": "Symfony Community",
                        "homepage": ""
                "description": "Loads and dumps YAML files",
                "homepage": "",
                "support": {
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "custom"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-04-28T13:25:36+00:00"
                "name": "twig/twig",
                "version": "v3.5.1",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "a6e0510cc793912b451fd40ab983a1d28f611c15"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "a6e0510cc793912b451fd40ab983a1d28f611c15",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "php": ">=7.2.5",
                    "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "^1.8",
                    "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "^1.3"
                "require-dev": {
                    "psr/container": "^1.0",
                    "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^4.4.9|^5.0.9|^6.0"
                "type": "library",
                "extra": {
                    "branch-alias": {
                        "dev-master": "3.5-dev"
                "autoload": {
                    "psr-4": {
                        "Twig\\": "src/"
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                        "email": "",
                        "homepage": "",
                        "role": "Lead Developer"
                        "name": "Twig Team",
                        "role": "Contributors"
                        "name": "Armin Ronacher",
                        "email": "",
                        "role": "Project Founder"
                "description": "Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP",
                "homepage": "",
                "keywords": [
                "support": {
                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
                "funding": [
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "github"
                        "url": "",
                        "type": "tidelift"
                "time": "2023-02-08T07:49:20+00:00"
                "name": "webflo/drupal-finder",
                "version": "1.2.2",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "c8e5dbe65caef285fec8057a4c718a0d4138d1ee"
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "c8e5dbe65caef285fec8057a4c718a0d4138d1ee",
                    "shasum": ""
                "require": {
                    "ext-json": "*"
                "require-dev": {
                    "mikey179/vfsstream": "^1.6",
                    "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8"
                "type": "library",
                "autoload": {
                    "classmap": [
                "notification-url": "",
                "license": [
                "authors": [
                        "name": "Florian Weber",
                        "email": ""
                "description": "Helper class to locate a Drupal installation from a given path.",
                "support": {
                    "issues": "",
                    "source": ""
                "time": "2020-10-27T09:42:17+00:00"
        "packages-dev": [],
        "aliases": [],
        "minimum-stability": "dev",
        "stability-flags": {
            "drupal/block_field": 5,
            "drupal/commerce_stock": 20,
            "drupal/conditional_fields": 15,
            "drupal/focal_point": 15,
            "drupal/gin": 5,
            "drupal/gin_toolbar": 5,
            "drupal/inline_entity_form": 5,
            "drupal/selective_better_exposed_filters": 10,
            "drupal/twigsuggest": 5,
            "drupal/uswds_ckeditor_integration": 20
        "prefer-stable": true,
        "prefer-lowest": false,
        "platform": [],
        "platform-dev": [],
        "plugin-api-version": "2.3.0"
  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    composer.lock was way too long to paste here. I attached as composer.lock.txt since I could not upload a .lock file.

  • Execute:

    composer why-not drupal/core-recommended:10.1.0

  • 🇦🇺Australia rsslwa

    I experience the same problem. 10.0.9 upgrading to 10.1.0 (dry run with all dependencies).


    - Upgrading drupal/core-composer-scaffold (10.0.9 => 10.1.0)
    - Upgrading drupal/core-project-message (10.0.9 => 10.1.0)

    lines are returned, however drupal/core-recommended and drupal/core are both ignored.

  • Show the output of: 'composer why-not drupal/core:10.1.0' and provide us the composer.json file.

    Here is the sub command documentation

    This is not a bug.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK

    I see an AWS package in your composer.json, it seems likely this is the same issue as 🐛 guzzlehttp/promises 2.0 blocking update to 10.1 due to AWS SDK Fixed which should be fixed with the release of 10.1.1.

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    When I run "composer why-not drupal/core:10.1.0" I get this error:

    Not enough arguments (missing: "version").

    I also looked at that post about AWS and attempted to apply the patch from that post but I got a "Could not apply patch".

  • Try composer why-not "drupal/core:10.1.0".

    It looks like your shell program has an issue with colons.

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    I'm using zsh. I am also using Lando. I did
    lando composer why-not "drupal/core:10.1.0"
    and still got
    Not enough arguments (missing: "version").

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    OK just ran:
    lando composer why-not drupal/core 10.1.0

    and got:

    drupal/core-recommended    10.0.9   requires         drupal/core (10.0.9)                                    
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/console (^6.3)                                  
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/console (but v6.2.12 is installed)              
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/dependency-injection (^6.3)                     
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/dependency-injection (but v6.2.12 is installed) 
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/event-dispatcher (^6.3)                         
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/event-dispatcher (but v6.2.8 is installed)      
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/http-foundation (^6.3)                          
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/http-foundation (but v6.2.12 is installed)      
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/http-kernel (^6.3)                              
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/http-kernel (but v6.2.12 is installed)          
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/mime (^6.3)                                     
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/mime (but v6.2.10 is installed)                 
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/routing (^6.3)                                  
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/routing (but v6.2.12 is installed)              
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/serializer (^6.3)                               
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/serializer (but v6.2.12 is installed)           
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/validator (^6.3)                                
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/validator (but v6.2.12 is installed)            
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/process (^6.3)                                  
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/process (but v6.2.11 is installed)              
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         symfony/yaml (^6.3)                                     
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require symfony/yaml (but v6.2.10 is installed)                 
    drupal/core                10.1.0   requires         doctrine/annotations (^1.14)                            
    drupal/recommended-project dev-main does not require doctrine/annotations (but 1.13.3 is installed) 
  • drupal/core-recommended 10.0.9 requires drupal/core (10.0.9)

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    I thought that seemed weird especially since I did why-not drupal/core 10.1.0. So what does this mean? I'm not understanding why that is there. Obviously, I have 10.0.9 installed. Why is it telling me drupal/core-recommended 10.0.9 requires drupal/core (10.0.9)? I'm trying to figure out why I can't install 10.1.0.

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    Well I just deleted and recreated my Lando containers and deleted my vendor directory and core directory and ran lando composer update "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies and this time it worked and actually updated core to 10.0.10. I'm not entirely sure why, but I guess it's fine now. Thanks for all your help!

  • Status changed to Closed: cannot reproduce over 1 year ago
  • Status changed to Closed: duplicate over 1 year ago
  • The bottom of the full command output above contains a suggestion to try a dry run, which I did as shown below:

    composer update "drupal/core-recommended:10.1.0" --dry-run --with-all-dependencies
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies
    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Root composer.json requires drupal/core-recommended ^10.0 -> satisfiable by drupal/core-recommended[10.1.0].
        - drupal/core-recommended 10.1.0 requires guzzlehttp/promises ~2.0.0 -> found guzzlehttp/promises[2.0.0, 2.0.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.

    This is 🐛 guzzlehttp/promises 2.0 blocking update to 10.1 due to AWS SDK Fixed as suggested in comment #8.

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    OK so I did the dry run and got what you got, but when I go the forum post about the AWS SDK and apply the patch, the patch fails to apply. Am I doing this wrong? I added this to my patches section:

    "drupal/core": {
        "3368790 - guzzlehttp/promises 2.0 blocking update to 10.1 due to AWS SDK": ""

    then if I run lando composer install, I get:

    Removing package drupal/core so that it can be re-installed and re-patched.
      - Removing drupal/core (10.0.10)
    Deleting /app/src/web/core - deleted
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Info from #StandWithUkraine
    Updating dependencies
    Nothing to modify in lock file
    Writing lock file
    Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
    Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
    Gathering patches for root package.
    Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
      - Installing drupal/core (10.0.10): Extracting archive
    "drupal/core-recommended 10.1.0 requires guzzlehttp/promises ~2.0.0 -> found guzzlehttp/promises[2.0.0, 2.0.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely be                                       
      - Applying patches for drupal/core (3368790 - guzzlehttp/promises 2.0 blocking update to 10.1 due to AWS SDK)
       Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK

    You can't use composer-patches to patch Composer dependencies, unfortunately - the dependencies are checked before the patches are applied.

    10.1.1 should be released tomorrow which will include this fix.

  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    I was successfully able to update core to 10.1.1 without issue. THANKS!

  • 🇮🇳India Sana.Neyazi

    @SoCalErich Could you please explain how did you fix? I am also getting the similar issue while updating drupal core from 10.0.11 to 10.1

  • 🇧🇪Belgium yemoko

    Hi @SoCalErich, I have the same issue.
    Can you explain what you did?


  • 🇺🇸United States socalerich

    Hey, sorry, this was so long ago that I don't remember what actually worked. I know I was trying so many different things, and honestly, I don't even know which thing actually made it work. I THINK in my case, I removed the AWS SDK completely and then tried again. I might be wrong, but I think that was the blocker for me.

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