- Issue created by @Buelto
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
over 1 year ago 7:01pm 28 June 2023
When installing the Mailchimp module via composer I get the following error:
Could not load packages drupal/mailchimp in composer repo (https://packages.drupal.org/8) from cached file (provider-drupal~mailchimp.json originating from https://packages.drupal.org/files/packages/8/p2/drupal/mailchimp.json): [UnexpectedValueExcepti
on] Package drupal/mailchimp's source key should be specified as {"type": ..., "url": ..., "reference": ...},
{"type":"git","url":"https:\/\/git.drupalcode.org\/project\/mailchimp.git","reference":null} given.
In ArrayLoader.php line 180:
Package drupal/mailchimp's source key should be specified as {"type": ..., "url": ..., "reference": ...},
{"type":"git","url":"https:\/\/git.drupalcode.org\/project\/mailchimp.git","reference":null} given.
I was able to successfully install the module by constraining the version to 2.2.0 with the following command:
composer require 'drupal/mailchimp:2.2.0' -W
When I try to install any later version I get the same error. Which tells me the error started in version 2.2.1
composer require drupal/mailchimp
Closed: duplicate