Views Contextual Filter allowing consolidated report of Group and SubGroup Contents

Created on 21 June 2023, over 1 year ago

Our use case involves creating a consolidated report of group content from both the parent group and child groups. We would like to do this using a View with a contextual filter. The most common use case is a user report.

Given a group with subgroups:


The View would be:


User   Group
-----  ---------
User1  Group_1
User2  Group_1
User3  Group_1.1
User4  Group_1.1
User5  Group_1.2
User6  Group_1.2

After reviewing the avilable filters and relationships I haven't found a way of doing this, so I believe this is a feature request. If this is incorrect, please change to a Support Request. Thanks!

Feature request






Created by

🇨🇦Canada dale42 Vancouver, Canada

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @dale42
  • 🇦🇹Austria mvonfrie

    Any updates on this?

    We have a similar use case but with nodes (articles and events). Groups are state level branches of the organization and subgroups local/city-level sub-branches. Every subgroup should have a news feed/blog with their articles and event calendar, every group should have a news feed/blog with all articles of their group and all subgroups, same for their event calendar.

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