Provide an "Inoculation" quick form to standardize the process of recording fungi inoculations.
Date - Standard date selection field - saved to the inoculation Activity log.
Parent Fungi - Optionally reference another Fungi asset that is used - saved to the new Fungi asset.
Archive Parent - Checkbox to archive the parent Fungi asset (indicating that it was all used to inoculate the new Fungi asset).
Fungi species/variety - Term reference field autocomplete (required), auto-populated from Parent Fungi, if available - saved to the new Fungi Asset.
Substrate type - Term reference field autocomplete (optional) - saved to the new Fungi asset.
Quantity - Fields for recording the quantity of inoculated material - maybe with limited measure/unit options like the Planting quick form - saved to the new inoculation Activity log as an inventory adjustment.
Location - Location asset reference field autocomplete (optional) - saved to the new inoculation Activity log, and makes that log into a movement.
Completed - Checkbox (default checked) - saved to the new inoculation Activity log.