Readiness check failure: duplicate php key

Created on 7 June 2023, about 1 year ago

The error message title is: "Unable to collect the paths to exclude."

composer.json and composer.lock attached.

This is the error message:

The command "'/usr/local/bin/composer' 'validate' '--check-lock' '--no-check-publish' '--with-dependencies' '--no-ansi' '--working-dir=/var/www/html'" failed. Exit Code: 2(Misuse of shell builtins) Working directory: /var/www/html/web Output: ================ ./composer.json is valid but your composer.lock has some errors asm89/stack-cors is valid behat/mink is valid behat/mink-browserkit-driver is valid behat/mink-selenium2-driver is valid chi-teck/drupal-code-generator is valid composer/ca-bundle is valid composer/class-map-generator is valid composer/composer is valid composer/installers is valid composer/metadata-minifier is valid composer/pcre is valid composer/semver is valid composer/spdx-licenses is valid composer/xdebug-handler is valid consolidation/annotated-command is valid consolidation/config is valid consolidation/filter-via-dot-access-data is valid consolidation/log is valid consolidation/output-formatters is valid consolidation/robo is valid consolidation/self-update is valid consolidation/site-alias is valid consolidation/site-process is valid cweagans/composer-patches is valid dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer is valid dflydev/dot-access-data is valid doctrine/annotations is valid doctrine/deprecations is valid doctrine/instantiator is valid doctrine/lexer is valid drupal-ckeditor-libraries-group/codesnippet is valid drupal-ckeditor-libraries-group/codetag is valid drupal/admin_toolbar is valid drupal/autosave_form is valid drupal/codesnippet is valid drupal/codetag is valid drupal/core is valid drupal/core-composer-scaffold is valid drupal/core-project-message is valid drupal/core-vendor-hardening is valid drupal/ctools is valid drupal/entityqueue_form_widget is valid drupal/honeypot is valid drupal/linkit is valid drupal/login_destination is valid drupal/rdf is valid drupal/simple_sitemap is valid drupal/sitewide_alert is valid drupal/token is valid drupal/upgrade_status is valid drush/drush is valid easyrdf/easyrdf is valid egulias/email-validator is valid enlightn/security-checker is valid grasmash/expander is valid guzzlehttp/guzzle is valid guzzlehttp/promises is valid guzzlehttp/psr7 is valid instaclick/php-webdriver is valid justinrainbow/json-schema is valid laminas/laminas-servicemanager is valid laminas/laminas-stdlib is valid laminas/laminas-text is valid league/container is valid masterminds/html5 is valid mathieuviossat/arraytotexttable is valid mglaman/phpstan-drupal is valid mikey179/vfsstream is valid myclabs/deep-copy is valid nikic/php-parser is valid pantheon-systems/drupal-integrations is valid pear/archive_tar is valid pear/console_getopt is valid pear/pear_exception is valid phar-io/manifest is valid phar-io/version is valid phootwork/collection is valid phootwork/lang is valid php-tuf/composer-stager is valid phpdocumentor/reflection-common is valid phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock is valid phpdocumentor/type-resolver is valid phpowermove/docblock is valid phpspec/prophecy is valid phpspec/prophecy-phpunit is valid phpstan/extension-installer is valid phpstan/phpdoc-parser is valid phpstan/phpstan is valid phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules is valid phpunit/php-code-coverage is valid phpunit/php-file-iterator is valid phpunit/php-invoker is valid phpunit/php-text-template is valid phpunit/php-timer is valid phpunit/phpunit is valid psr/cache is valid psr/container is valid psr/event-dispatcher is valid psr/http-client is valid psr/http-factory is valid psr/http-message is valid psr/log is valid psy/psysh is valid ralouphie/getallheaders is valid react/promise is valid sebastian/cli-parser is valid sebastian/code-unit is valid sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup is valid sebastian/comparator is valid sebastian/complexity is valid sebastian/diff is valid sebastian/environment is valid sebastian/exporter is valid sebastian/global-state is valid sebastian/lines-of-code is valid sebastian/object-enumerator is valid sebastian/object-reflector is valid sebastian/recursion-context is valid sebastian/resource-operations is valid sebastian/type is valid sebastian/version is valid seld/jsonlint is valid seld/phar-utils is valid seld/signal-handler is valid sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis is valid slevomat/coding-standard is valid squizlabs/php_codesniffer is valid symfony/browser-kit is valid symfony/console is valid symfony/css-selector is valid symfony/dependency-injection is valid symfony/deprecation-contracts is valid symfony/dom-crawler is valid symfony/error-handler is valid symfony/event-dispatcher is valid symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts is valid symfony/filesystem is valid symfony/finder is valid symfony/http-foundation is valid symfony/http-kernel is valid symfony/lock is valid symfony/mime is valid symfony/polyfill-ctype is valid symfony/polyfill-iconv is valid symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme is valid symfony/polyfill-intl-idn is valid symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer is valid symfony/polyfill-mbstring is valid symfony/polyfill-php72 is valid symfony/polyfill-php73 is valid symfony/polyfill-php80 is valid symfony/polyfill-php81 is valid symfony/process is valid symfony/psr-http-message-bridge is valid symfony/routing is valid symfony/serializer is valid symfony/service-contracts is valid symfony/string is valid symfony/translation-contracts is valid symfony/validator is valid symfony/var-dumper is valid symfony/var-exporter is valid symfony/yaml is valid theseer/tokenizer is valid twig/twig is valid webflo/drupal-finder is valid webmozart/assert is valid Error Output: ================ # Lock file errors - The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json, it is recommended that you run `composer update` or `composer update <package name>`. drupal/automatic_updates is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - require.php-tuf/composer-stager : exact version constraints (2.0-alpha1) should be avoided if the package follows semantic versioning drupal/book_access_code is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - License "GPL-2.0+" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, use "GPL-2.0-or-later" instead drupal/coder is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - require.symfony/yaml : unbound version constraints (>=3.4.0) should be avoided drupal/entity_extra_field is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - License "GPL-2.0+" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, use "GPL-2.0-or-later" instead drupal/pantheon_advanced_page_cache is valid for simple usage with Composer but has strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package # General warnings - No license specified, it is recommended to do so. For closed-source software you may use "proprietary" as license. # Publish warnings - description : The property description is required drupal/pathauto is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - require.drupal/token : unbound version constraints (*) should be avoided - require.drupal/ctools : unbound version constraints (*) should be avoided drupal/realname is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - License "GPL-2.0+" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, use "GPL-2.0-or-later" instead drupal/scn is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - No license specified, it is recommended to do so. For closed-source software you may use "proprietary" as license. drupal/taxonomy_menu is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - License "GPL-2.0+" is a deprecated SPDX license identifier, use "GPL-2.0-or-later" instead mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient is valid for simple usage with Composer but has strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package # Publish warnings - description : The property description is required pantheon-upstreams/upstream-configuration is valid for simple usage with Composer but has strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package # General warnings - No license specified, it is recommended to do so. For closed-source software you may use "proprietary" as license. # Publish warnings - description : The property description is required pear/pear-core-minimal is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - Defining autoload.psr-0 with an empty namespace prefix is a bad idea for performance symfony/phpunit-bridge is valid, but with a few warnings # General warnings - Key php is a duplicate in /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/phpunit-bridge/composer.json at line 20

Composer show output:

πŸ› Bug report

Closed: works as designed





Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States lisastreeter

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Production build 0.69.0 2024