- Issue created by @Rafael Salas
I'm testing the module to use drupal as api and make requests from a React application. The module works correctly when I use the token that is generated in the url "/jwt/token" and send the "Authorization: Bearer [token]" header, but there is no documentation of how I should acquire the token to use with the "Authorization: UsersJwt [token]" header.
Starting from an environment prepared to serve content through rest api, which already shows json content for example in the path "/node/1"
Installs the JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT), JWT Authentication Consumer, JWT Authentication Issuer, Users' JWT Authentication, and HTTP Basic Authentication modules.
Configure the JSON Web Token Authentication module.
In "/admin/people/permissions" remove the "View published content" permission for the anonymous user.
From Postman make a get query to "/jwt/token?_format=json" with Authorization Basic and a valid username and password.
You get a token.
With this token, make a query to "/node/1?_format=json" and the header "Authorization: Bearer [token]"
Works correctly.
Now do the same query with the header "Authorization: UsersJwt [token]"
It does not work.
The question is: how can I get a token to use with the header "Authorization: UsersJwt [token]"
The solution that I propose is to add in the documentation, instructions to generate a valid token for each user, although the really ideal would be that when making a request to a route such as "/jwt/user-token?_format=json" with Authorization Basic and a valid username and password, obtain a valid token and most importantly, that this token can be invalidated by removing the key ID with which it has been signed.