- Issue created by @hongqing
Show custom breadcrumbs on a view page with search api indexed data sources and Facets Pretty Paths, but custom breadcrumbs is ignored in the specified paths.
1. Create a view page with path /articles
, and used Facets pretty paths.
2. Add facets "Categories" to this view and place it on the block. The URL alias
of the facets for Facets pretty paths is "categories".
3. Add Custom Breadcrumbs with the following information:
Type of breadcrumb: Path
Path pattern: /articles/categories/*
Breadcrumbs paths:
Breadcrumb titles: Articles
The breadcrumbs should show Home/Articles, but the Custom Breadcrumbs does not work, it still shows the original breadcrumbs.
It works with Facets Pretty Paths disabled, but I cannot specify the path because there are many encoded characters in the url without Facets Pretty Paths enabled.