Email notifications should implement Drupal Queue operations

Created on 24 May 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 22 June 2023, about 1 year ago


The recurring_events_registration module sends notification emails to registrants when certain actions or events take place in the system:

  • An Event Instance is modified
  • An Event Instance is deleted
  • An Event Series is modified
  • An Event Series is deleted
  • An upcoming event is about to occur, so it sends a reminder to all registrants
  • etc

For a complete list of the type of notifications, visit: /admin/structure/events/registrant/settings

The module uses the function recurring_events_registration_send_notification($key, $registrant) to attempt to send each email sequentially, inside foreach loops.

See the the lines 221, 253, 277, 299 in this module file:

If an Event Instance has a large number of registrants, trying to notify them all in one fell swoop could lead to problematic scenarios, such as PHP timeouts and memory errors.

Steps to reproduce

  • Have an Event Instance with a very large number of registrants
  • Trigger one of the actions that end up with the sending of email notifications

Proposed resolution

Send email notifications using Drupal Queue operations

Remaining tasks

  • Design a solution to incorporate a queue approach for sending email notifications from the recurring_events_registration module
  • Determine if there must be some administrative UI to control and configure the queues behavior
  • Discuss potential risks and side effects for other subsystems
  • Implement the solution
✨ Feature request





Recurring Events Registration (Submodule)

Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΄Colombia camilo.escobar

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @camilo.escobar
  • @camiloescobar opened merge request.
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States owenbush Denver, CO

    I can definitely see how this makes sense for sites with a large number of registrants.

    How would you propose to execute the queue? With a cron? This will inevitably create a delay in the sending of some emails, is that acceptable?

    The standard drupal cron is controllable by an admin in terms of how often it runs, but it is not granular and there are other admin tasks that run during cron, so there's no guarantee all jobs will execute each time cron runs.

    There's ultimate cron available in the contrib space, but I am a little hesitant to add a dependency on it.

    There's also the batch api but typically that happens client side, and not all the email sends happen after direct user interaction.

    I'm just trying to think through the best approach.

  • @camiloescobar opened merge request.
  • First commit to issue fork.
    • podarok β†’ committed 9bfd9918 on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 removed extra spaces in recurring_events_registration....
  • Status changed to Fixed about 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine podarok Ukraine


  • Status changed to Needs review about 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada endless_wander

    @podarok @camilo.escobar could you provide some answers to owenbush's points raised in #4? perhaps you have discussed with him privately but as the owner of a site that uses this module, I would like to ensure that this major change will not have repercussions. My site has email notifications that can be sent out on the same day as an event and if they got stuck in the queue and not sent, that could be very bad

  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΄Colombia camilo.escobar

    The changes in the MR imply that those notifications that by design are intended to be sent in bulk to multiple recipients, namely those corresponding to the keys below, are not sent immediately as soon as the triggering action occurs, but are added to a queue instead:

    • registration_reminder
    • series_modification_notification
    • instance_modification_notification
    • instance_deletion_notification
    • series_deletion_notification

    It means they don't go through recurring_events_registration_send_notification() immediately inside those foreach loops, but the Queue Worker will start processing them on the next cron run.

    In those cases, the line
    recurring_events_registration_send_notification($key, $registrant);
    has been replaced by:
    \Drupal::service('recurring_events_registration.notification_service')->addEmailNotificationToQueue($key, $registrant);

    The new function addEmailNotificationToQueue($key, $registrant); is in charge of adding the notification to the queue. The function makes sure of invoking the hook hook_recurring_events_registration_send_notification_alter($send_email, $registrant) to allow modules to determine whether the notification should be sent (added to the queue) to the $registrant in question (the same as recurring_events_registration_send_notification($key, $registrant) does).
    Also, the function introduces a new alter hook hook_ recurring_events_registration_message_params_alter($params, $registrant) to allow modules to add data to the $params array that is passed to the mail() function. Developers can use the data of the $registrant entity to set these params. Those $params can be used later as the $message['params'] in hook_mail_alter().

    Actions that trigger only an email notification to a recipient (registrant) were left intact and continue to use the function recurring_events_registration_send_notification($key, $registrant), therefore the notification is sent out immediately. Namely:

    • promotion_notification
    • registration_notification
    • waitlist_notification

    These changes are my initial solution to overcome a big problem we were facing on our website: when an email event notification (e.g., instance_modification_notification) is triggered to a large number of registrants, the system may fail in those iterations and hit time and memory limits depending on the PHP configuration.

    How long it takes for the queued notification list to be fully processed depends on three factors:

    1. The number of notifications in the queue
    2. How often Drupal cron runs
    3. The number of seconds used by the queue worker on each cron run to process the items (it was set to 30)

    This is acceptable in our case, since we have a large number of registrants in our events and we are aiming to run the Drupal cron every 5 or 10 minutes.

    As I mentioned in the notes in the MR, there is a pending task:

    Maybe provide a UI to configure if the system should use Queue Worker or not. People could have a checkbox to decide whether emails for notification types that are sent to multiple recipients should use the queue or send immediately.

    @owenbush @podarok I think completing this to-do is important before merging the MR and releasing a new version, as not all the projects using the module may be interested in the queue implementation and may prefer to continue operating as usual: sending all emails immediately.

    I know I owed you this technical background of the approach I implemented, and I was honestly expecting a MR review, some feedback and certain back-and-forth discussion before merging the MR. As I'm seeing this was already included in 2.0.0-rc8, I highly recommend to revert that release or to revert the MR and release a new version without those specific changes, since it is crucial that the to-do above is resolved, so as not to affect the normal operations of projects using the module.

    @endless_wander, thanks for pointing out the importance of this case, please stick to a module version prior to 2.0.0-rc8, while I work in the above to-do.

    I'll be working this weekend and create a new PR to resolve the pending item, so this solution, that can be very favorable in different cases, can be launched. This is what I will do:

    1. Add a new configuration option in the Registrant Settings Form to enable/disable the queue of notifications
    2. Have the option disabled by default, so that the websites continue operating as usual
  • @camiloescobar opened merge request.
  • Status changed to Needs work about 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine podarok Ukraine
  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada endless_wander

    @camilo.escobar your work and responsiveness on this is incredibly appreciated. thank you!

    • 2e0e46bf committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 Added some comments
    • 9f39eeef committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 Removed debug lines
    • 49a844e9 committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 Provide new configuration option in the Registrant...
    • aa7a64c3 committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 Resolved conflict. Adjusted hook name.
    • cc4b87de committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 removed extra spaces in recurring_events_registration....
    • 3708293f committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 Change the cron time value in the...
    • 6b1c9450 committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 Added explanatory comments in...
    • 20947f90 committed on 2.0.x
      Issue #3362297 New Queue Worker to send Email Notifications
  • Status changed to Fixed about 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine podarok Ukraine

    the guy definitely crazy )))
    I appreciate
    Thank you, merged and tagged

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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