- Issue created by @arno2mars
Hi, Arno2Mars!
Thank you very much for your good mean about my module! And I'm sorry for my so big delay for you asks.
But I'm not good understand, what I need to fix.
I have same situation for my users: on each node user can click to the link to open message window. In my case I have added only link https://[website]/private-message/create?recipient=[uid].
That link is intercepted by my code, so I'll not open private-message link, but I'll open window.
Maybe I need to intercept link https://[website]/private-messages/[thread id], and it will fix your problem.
I'll add that change right now, so please check new version to understand, is that correct decision or not.
Thank you- 51bb6708 committed on 8.x-1.x
Issue #3361855: Issue with Private message thread link
- 51bb6708 committed on 8.x-1.x
Hey Cyber555,
I have been testing beta19, and so far everything works now like a charm, private message windows is always opening whatever the thread exists or not.
Thanks a lot for your support!
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 10:53am 17 July 2023 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.