- Issue created by @glennnz
- πΈπΎSyria hodba Dubai
If I got your point right and the node is available to the webform, then you can use the token of the field in the price.
Can you check if this works for you? - π³πΏNew Zealand glennnz
No, this doesn't work. The field in the webform element settings asks for a float number; putting a token there results in an error:
TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int in Drupal\stripe_webform_payment\Plugin\WebformElement\StripeWebformPayment->createPaymentIntent() (line 351 of modules/contrib/stripe_webform_payment/src/Plugin/WebformElement/StripeWebformPayment.php).
- Status changed to Closed: works as designed
over 1 year ago 4:44am 15 May 2023 - π³πΏNew Zealand glennnz
I built a module to create a custom token with my calculated price; this works beautifully.
- π³πΏNew Zealand glennnz
Perhaps edit the instructions for the 'Amount' field; it asks for a float and doesn't indicate that a token can be used.
- Status changed to Active
over 1 year ago 7:56am 15 May 2023 - π³πΏNew Zealand glennnz
Ah, ran into problems.....
In my webform definition.yml file, I have:
stripe_payment: '#type': stripe_payment '#title': Payment '#stripe_source': custom '#stripe_amount' : ['custom:price'] '#stripe_currency' : nzd '#stripe_product': prod_NsAdetyTMZWPCL '#stripe_address': true '#stripe_address_type': billing '#stripe_customer_attributes': '' '#stripe_appearance': '' '#stripe_payment_intent_config': |- automatic_payment_methods: enabled: true
In my mymodule.module, I have:
function mymodule_token_info() { $tokens['price'] = [ 'name' => t('Final Price'), 'description' => t('The price of the product.'), ]; return [ 'types' => ['custom' => $type], 'tokens' => ['custom' => $tokens], ]; } function mymodule_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data, array $options, \Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata) { $replacements = []; if ($type == 'custom') { foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) { switch ($name) { case 'price': $replacements[$original] = '123999123'; break; } } } return $replacements; }
The '123999123' is a placeholder for the moment; this will become a calculated value.
My code is creating an error in the createPaymentIntent(), I get this error:
TypeError: Unsupported operand types: array * int in Drupal\stripe_webform_payment\Plugin\WebformElement\StripeWebformPayment->createPaymentIntent() (line 351 of modules/contrib/stripe_webform_payment/src/Plugin/WebformElement/StripeWebformPayment.php).Help would be appreciated.
- @hodba opened merge request.
- πΈπΎSyria hodba Dubai
Let's fix them one by one.
I updated the code to accept tokens by converting the token value (text, number, or decimal) to a float value that Stripe accepts. Can you check the latest dev version and let me know if it is working for your use case? - Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 8:06pm 21 May 2023 - Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 1:40pm 26 May 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States Tankeroo
Hi! I need help with this.
I have a Custom Twig Element which the end result gives me a float. The Twig calculates based on a previous option element which depends on what the user selects.
On the "Custom Price" field, I place the token: [webform:element:order_total:value]
Am I doing this right? I get the error
Drupal\stripe_webform_payment\Plugin\WebformElement\StripeWebformPayment::updateNestedValues(): Argument #3 ($paymentIntentId) must be of type string, null given, called in /home/test_site/modules/stripe_webform_payment/src/Plugin/WebformElement/StripeWebformPayment.php on line 233
Please help, thanks!
- πΈπΎSyria hodba Dubai
Can you provide me more details please about your specific case in details? e.g. how the Weform is configured? Are you using multistep webform? did you please it at the end? does the total number and the stripe element are on the same page?
did you try [webform:element:order_total] without the value? - πΊπΈUnited States Tankeroo
Hi @hodba, Thanks for your response.
Modules: webform 6.12, stripe 2.0.0-beta4, stripe webform payment 1.0.0-rc1+4-dev
Use Case: I have a one page webform (all elements are same page) for registration to conference.
Usual use of elements, nothing out of the ordinary.
In the middle of the form, I have a select element with two options "single_300" and "double_150"
Second to last element is a computed Twig element which says if user selects single_300 price is 300.00, if double_150 is selected then price is 150.00{# Price list variables #} {% if data.fangxing_room_type == 'double_150' %} {% set price = 150.00 %} {% elseif data.fangxing_room_type == 'single_300' %} {% set price = 300.00 %} {% elseif data.fangxing_room_type == 'roomate_300' %} {% set price = 300.00 %} {% endif %} {{ price }}
Then the very last element I want to add is the "stripe payment" element.
I choose Custom Payment and in the "Amount" box I have tried [webform_submission:values:order_total] and [webform:element:order_total] and [webform:element:order_total:value]
Currency is "usd". I give it a title and key and press "save". I get this error:The price amount or currency is not defined, please correct this and try again. Unable to render elements, please view the below message(s) and the error log. Drupal\stripe_webform_payment\Plugin\WebformElement\StripeWebformPayment::updateNestedValues(): Argument #3 ($paymentIntentId) must be of type string, null given, called in /home/test_site/modules/stripe_webform_payment/src/Plugin/WebformElement/StripeWebformPayment.php on line 233
Thank you for the help!
- πΈπΎSyria hodba Dubai
I see where the issue is.
In order to pick up the price as a token, you need to separate the payment field in a new page where the calculation is done before proceeding to the payment. This is due to the fact that Stripe element needs to generate the payment intent before the payment form is loaded. When you put the price as a token in the Stripe element, and place all elements in one page, the paymentIntent is generated before the token can be used.
Hope this helps you resolve the issue.
- πΊπΈUnited States Tankeroo
That absolutely helped! Thank you for explaining that and pointed me to the right direction.
I've moved the payment to a multi-page wizard on a second page and it works.The token [webform_submission:values:order_total] is what's being used.
Just as a note for future users who may come here to look for solutions. When using multi-page with stripe, you'll see this warning.
This was what prevented me from trying multi-page. But, I guess in this instance (at the time of posting) it can be ignored.
While stripe elements should work with wizard-like webforms, because the actual charge happens on the client side, the process can be very prone to user errors when moving accross pages and using the browser navigation buttons. It is strongly recommend not to use this feature.
Thank you, @hodba