- Issue created by @chlodewig
- 🇨🇦Canada jeremylichtman
The relevant code is in two twig files that render cards:
burndown-task.html.twig and
burndown-task-card.htmlWe'll need to check if there's any others, but most of the task functionality should be contained there.
I believe each of the hard-coded links needs to be replaced with {{ path(... }} type links.
See: https://mycode.blog/lakshmi/how-to-generate-drupal-89-url-path-by-route-...
I don't have a running local env right now so will need to set that up first before fixing.
The routes that are relevant are:
* burndown.close_task (params: ticket_id and board_
* edit task (need to look up)
* burndown.board_send_to_backlog (param - ticket_id)
* etc.