Allow strings and puncuation to be controlled by pathauto pattern

Created on 3 May 2023, almost 2 years ago


I want to be able to control what strings and punctuation are filtered/removed by pattern type.

For example, with user profiles someone's name may be Jane A. Doë and their profile url alias could be a combination of

  • jane-.-doe
  • jane-doe (which then could be jane-doe-1, jane-doe-2, etc. for common names)
  • jane-a.-doe

when I actually want the alias to be:


Other common use case is also legal decisions and e-commerce where you may want a url to be

Lawsuit Jane Doe vs. Bradley Smith, Jr.

docket-jane-doe-vs-bradley-smith-jr vs. docket-jane-doe-bradely-smithjr

Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Rules

diem-travel-transportation-allowance-rules vs. per-diem-travel-transportation-allowance-rules

However, since punctuation and strings are controlled at a global level it's hard to specify exactly how an alias should be when considering names, places, or legal information.

Proposed resolution

Allow strings, punctuation, and special characters to be controlled by pattern type when creating a new pattauto pattern.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Feature request






Created by

🇺🇸United States laura.gates

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