Enforced config background colours have serious accessibility issues for some types of colour blindness

Created on 2 May 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 3 May 2023, about 1 year ago


Certain types of colour blindness make it nearly impossible to differentiate between the different enforcement levels at a glance. This is exacerbated when implementing πŸ› Enforced config background colours make text unreadable in dark mode (e.g. Gin) Fixed .

Steps to reproduce

If you don't have any type of colour blindness, this can be simulated via Firefox's DevTools under the Accessibility tab.

Proposed resolution

Introduce other indicators of enforcement level in addition to colour. In Neurocracy/Omnipedia we mostly solved this in our changes markup which diffs between two days' versions of an article by using multiple indicators; in our case, we added different background patterns (which could be done in Config Enforce) and added a strike-through for deleted text (which wouldn't make sense in Config Enforce but listed to illustrate a solution). We can also add icons for each enforcement level, which will help most people, including those of us who don't have any colour blindness.

Example changes page with different colour blindness types simulated via Firefox's DevTools:

No colour blindess, i.e. can see all colours

Protanopia (no red)

Deuteranopia (no green)

Tritanopia (no blue)

Achromatopsia (no colour at all, i.e. greys)

Remaining tasks

See above.

User interface changes

See above.

API changes


Data model changes


πŸ› Bug report





User interface

Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada Ambient.Impact Toronto

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