payment description too long

Created on 25 April 2023, almost 2 years ago

1.0 Problem/Motivation
When a payment is made through a webform, a description is passed to the payment processor. This description finally ends up on the bank statements for this payment, but since this has a very limited field length the relevant info currently gets truncated because the module prints "Webform Payment: " first. (and our payment processor seems to prefix this by their own identifier)

I did check the newest versions in the git repository, but they still seem to contain this text.

2.0 Detailed steps to reproduce (embed screenshots)
I assume most payment processors will display this text in their statements. Otherwise you could send a payment to a dummy payment processor, or just check the code in WebformCivicrmPostProcess.php for the lines where


is set.

3.0 Proposed resolution
Remove "Webform Payment: " from WebformCivicrmPostProcess.php, or maybe even make it so that this description can be configured through the front-end.

Feature request






Created by

🇧🇪Belgium stein.degroof

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