Views: alter what is being previewed

Created on 17 April 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 9 June 2023, about 1 year ago


Was talking about the idea of a calendar with @mandclu and started imagining a user flow where someone is editing an event node but wanting to see a preview of a calendar for a Drupal Camp. A Drupal Camp Calendar would be comprised of Day / Room / Session Slot (time) data.

Historically, Drupal developers have tried to solve this use case by providing a drag and drop experience. Maybe there would be an event registered when an item is "dropped" to update the node with new day / time / room data. Currently available solutions all need to be upgraded to support D10 (some have a lot of work to do). What if the assumptions where different. What if we could have an editing experience on the left and a preview on the right?

Imagine a workflow where a user is editing a node. Instead of wanting to see a preview of the node, they want to see where the node is used. Like in the Drupal Camp case: edit an event, see a preview of the Calendar View where the event is used.

Should we start thinking about non-node use cases?
Is it even possible to reuse our tempStore solution with Views?

There is likely a lot to discover to handle previews of non-node entities.

Proposed resolution

Start looking at the feasibility of showing previews of views that a node is in.

Possible problems to solve:
* Do we need to gather a list of views that the node is used in?
* How does a user select the display to preview?
* Can we leverage our current solutions to make preview of Views work?
* Can Views even be previewed?

Remaining tasks


User interface changes

Perhaps a new element to allow users to select the display they want previewed.

API changes

Potential settings to override

Data model changes


✨ Feature request






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cosmicdreams Minneapolis/St. Paul

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  • views

    Involves, uses, or integrates with views. In Drupal 8 core, use the β€œVDC” tag instead.

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @cosmicdreams
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States brianperry

    This comes up when previewing in a decoupled context as well - how can I navigate my entire site in preview mode with the edits that I'm currently making. Haven't seen a great solution.

    It does seem like it would be challenging to do for views, especially with the current temp store approach.

    Thinking a bit more broadly here, this makes me think of something like Next for Drupal's route syncing: applied to same page preview. I want to navigate my site, and easily launch into same page preview editing for that route. Or even launch the editing form for a particular element on that page (an event in a calendar for example.)

  • Status changed to Postponed about 1 year ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States brianperry

    Marking as postponed as it isn't part of our current release plan.

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