- Issue created by @cosmicdreams
Now that I know that modules like https://www.drupal.org/project/content_model_documentation β exist and reuse the data we compile here, I think it's time to refactor our configuration compilation into a reusable service. This will give us a chance to reduce the complexity of our recursive logic and make it easier to be in control over the resulting data.
If we can provide APIs for other modules to extend the results that would be even better.
This feels like it would take a lot of effort, but I'm going to try to hack up a solution real quick to prove this idea, then come back to reevaluate how long this is going to take.
Convert config processing logic in the .module file to a service. Call the service in the .module file.
Quick hack to move things around then come back to see what it will take to finish
Maybe some methods that can be overridden to be in control what the data looks like when it finishes.
Highly likely