Does this work? Needs documentation

Created on 24 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

Doesn't seem to do anything on my site after installing. Can you add some documentation on how to configure?


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🇨🇦Canada jglynn

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  • Issue created by @jglynn
  • 🇨🇦Canada jglynn

    Hopefully this helps anyone:

    This module creates a "Trusted Nominees" field on /admin/config/people/accounts/fields. You may need to move this field out of 'disabled' for the form display and manage display screens.

    Typically you will want to limit the selectable 'nominees' to a subset of your users.

    To do this, create a view that returns the subset of users you want to allow to be nominees. Then go to admin/config/people/accounts/fields/user.user.masquerade_nominees and change the Reference Method to View:filter by entity reference view and select your view.

Production build 0.71.5 2024