Notice: Undefined variable: altered_redirect when editing a registrant

Created on 14 March 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 29 August 2023, 10 months ago


When trying to edit a registrant I'll see:

The registrant edits are not saved either. I've tested and it seems to only occur when editing a registrant for a past event or a full event. I get how editing a registrant for a past event doesn't seem helpful, but being able to edit a registrant for an event that is NOT past but is just full is desired.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Find a registrant for an event that is full in capacity.
  2. Edit that registrant.
  3. Notice the changes did not stick and there's not the error.

Proposed resolution

Edit the conditional at 494 in so availability isn't part of the check. Feels like a patch would be sufficient too.

🐛 Bug report

Postponed: needs info




Recurring Events Registration (Submodule)

Created by

🇺🇸United States matia.ward

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