Taxonomy term label not working in REST Export Views via postman or reqbin

Created on 14 March 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 15 March 2023, over 1 year ago

I've setup a views in REST Export Views with this config:

Format = Serializer => json
Show = Fields
Fields = field label from taxonomy term (select list)
Access = Unrestricted

in Preview or accessing it via browser i can see the taxonomy term label (its looks like setup correctly)

   "field_eselon":"Non Eselon",
   "field_jabatan":"Guru Muda",
   "field_perangkat_daerah":"Dinas Pendidikan",
   "field_unit_kerja":"SMK Negeri 5 Sungai Penuh"

but when test in postman or reqbin the data label not showing, this is the results:

    "name": "196803212007011004",
    "field_nama": "ASANI",
    "field_eselon": "",
    "field_jabatan": "",
    "field_jenis_jabatan": "",
    "field_pangkat": "",
    "field_perangkat_daerah": "",
    "field_unit_kerja": ""

as you can see the value from label formatter of the field with taxonomy term (select list) is empty.

I've examined the configuration but i do not understand what going wrong, i hope anyone else experienced this and show how to solved it.

Would anyone know and help how I can retrieve the value in label formatter of taxonomy term, not the raw output.

Thanks in advance.

💬 Support request





Last updated 4 days ago

Created by

🇮🇩Indonesia tinohuda

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  • Issue created by @tinohuda
  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info over 1 year ago
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK

    To be able to view a term label, you still need the "access content" permission - is that the case for the user that is accessing via Postman (presumably, the anonymous user)? Do you have any other access control modules installed, as this may also affect it?

  • Status changed to Fixed over 1 year ago
  • 🇮🇩Indonesia tinohuda

    Thank you @longwave you saved my day.

    I allow anonymous to access unpublished nodes, now the label showing up in postman and reqbin.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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