- Issue created by @james.williams
Would migrating from the Drupal 7 imagefield_crop module, be something that Image Widget Crop could cover?
I've written up my experience of what I found necessary at https://www.computerminds.co.uk/articles/migrating-cropped-images - I don't know how generic the approach could be, for covering a majority of cases. Maybe there's a place for even an opinionated supported migration path, or not, I don't know. My article is intended to at least contribute some form of help. Including a migration path inside Image Widget Crop might be beyond what the maintainers would want to support anyway, especially as the D7 imagefield_crop module seemingly now has far fewer users that IWC already does!
But let me know if supporting migrations is something that would interest people and/or the module maintainers. Maybe I can provide more detail than was in the article, but it's also quite a lot to package up, including its current imperfections!
I'll link up related issues to the D7 module too, to help people find this advice if needed.
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