- Issue created by @leisurman
Add to cal is altering Microsoft Teams Meeting URL links. I have tried using the body token and a plain text field token as the description in the Add to cal formatter. The description populates the Microsoft Outlook email body.
This is a Microsoft Teams Meeting URL, it is followed by a long ID:
In the .ics file, the link is altered and looks like this:
<a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:meeting_ZTI3YWU4NGUtNDE4Mi00NjY0LTljZjYtYjM3MWZjNGQyOGEw@thread.v2/0?context={"Tid":"6b183ecc-4b55-4ed5-b3f8-7f64be1c4138","Oid":%22be4cb2de-7f50-4bdb-a649-5a47d315980d"}">Teams meeting link</a>
Notice the extra characters, it is breaking the link. Add to Cal is encoding UTF-8 and converting %22 to " Character
Is there a fast patch I can add anywhere to allow the plain text output of this long URL without modification?
I have tried using a plain text field and it still breaks the URL and ID. I added this into the Add to cal field format setting.
<a href="[node:field_test_plain_text:value]">Teams link</a>