[beta2] ⚠️ Make tabs buildable

Created on 5 March 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 17 March 2023, almost 2 years ago


Today, we have 2 issues with the tabs pattern:

  • the tab pattern, which was extracted from the tabs pattern, is not used in the tabs pattern
  • for this reason, the data model of the tab pattern is complicated and not site builder friendly

Proposed resolution 1

Not tested, just brainstorming....

Tabs pattern fields are using the tab pattern:

      type: render
      label: Tabs items
      description: A list of "tab" patterns.
        - type: pattern
          variant: selected
          id: tab  
          icon: fr-icon-checkbox-circle-line
          title: Tab label 1
        - type: pattern
          id: tab  
          title: Tab label 2
        - type: pattern
          id: tab  
          title: Tab label 3
      type: render
      label: Tabs content
      description: A list of renderable content.
        - type: html_tag
          tag: p
          value: Tab content 1
        - type: html_tag
          tag: p
          value: Tab content 2
        - type: html_tag
          tag: p
          value: Tab content 3

Tabs pattern tempalte is using the new add_attribute filter:

{% set unique = random() %}
{% if items %}
  <div{{ attributes.addClass('fr-tabs') }}>
    <ul class="fr-tabs__list" role="tablist" aria-label="{{ label }}">
      {% for item in items %}
        <li role="presentation">
          {{ item|add_attribute('id': 'tabpanel-'~loop.index~'-'~unique)|add_attribute('aria-controls': 'tabpanel-'~loop.index~'-panel-'~unique)  }}
      {% endfor %}
    {% for panel in content %}
      {% set panel_attributes = create_attribute({
        'id': 'tabpanel-'~loop.index~'-panel'~'-'~unique,
        'aria-labelledby': 'tabpanel-'~loop.index~'-'~unique, 
        'role': 'tabpanel', 
        'tabindex': 0
      }) %}
      {% set panel_attributes = loop.first ? panel_attributes.addClass('fr-tabs__panel--selected') : panel_attributes %}
      <div{{ panel_attributes.addClass('fr-tabs__panel') }}>
        {{ panel }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Proposed resolution 1

Create a tab_panel component.

API changes

Yes, the data model of "tabs" pattern will change, and that will break very usage of it.
That's why there is ⚠️ in the ticket title.

📌 Task






Created by

🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

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