Extend the Gin offcanvas library override

Created on 1 March 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 11 September 2024, 6 months ago


As seen on several issues, D9 core offcanvas styles leak into Gin and break the design.

¿Why should you use offcanvas/layout builder on the admin theme? - Think Dashboards module.

The proposed solution is to use gin_lb , which works more like a general override but this might not be acceptable for some developers because of the following:

  1. The developer might not want all of gin_lb features (especially, having gin UI on the public theme could not be wanted)
  2. Other modules that rewrite the overall dialog/offcanvas UI (i.e. bootstrap_layout_builder ) heavily conflict with gin_lb redesign.

That's why I propose that, out of the box, Gin should at the very least provide a bigger reset of the offcanvas core UI.

This won't be a proper fix but a better starting point for developers.

Steps to reproduce

Install Gin and Layout Builder, and use LB inside Gin. For example, by using the Dashboards module or using Gin also as the public facxing theme.

The offcanvas appearance is broken due to styling coming from Core:

Proposed resolution

In my opinion, the Gin UI works pretty well without further changes so the only task here is to add more resets to the libraries-override entry.

With an almost full reset:

        misc/dialog/off-canvas.reset.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.base.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.theme.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.button.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.form.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.table.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.details.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.tabledrag.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.dropbutton.css: false
        misc/dialog/off-canvas.layout.css: false

The outcome is as follows, Gin styles are used instead, the result is usable and working:

Again, this is not a full-fledged fix as requested on Create an off-canvas style library Create an off-canvas style library Active but a minor fix to provide a better starting point. Some styles are still leaking, but the overall UI is improved.

Remaining tasks

Discuss, gather consensus, implement

Feature request

Closed: outdated





Created by

🇪🇸Spain idiaz.roncero Madrid

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