- Issue created by @x775
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
about 2 years ago 5:58am 18 February 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
Please add details about how and where you received this error message. Also what version of Drupal and what version of PHP.
- π¨πSwitzerland x775
Sure, we are running Drupal 9.5.3 and PHP 8.1.12RC1.
I am not sure what triggered this error; it was thrown upon signing into the website.
- πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
Can you post the output of
drush cget honeypot.settings
I don't see how this error can happen unless some invalid settings are being used by some other module. To add to this: I saw this error as well, but only on my local install, which had an older version of the DB (and configs). I then synced in the latest version, and the error was gone. So it is well possible that there is a config conflict, which had been fixed on live but not local.
- πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
Yes, it could be a problem with old D7 settings. Honeypot does not currently have any code to migrate settings from D7, although there is an open issue with a patch in #2401647: Integrate D8 Migrate API so Honeypot config is upgraded from D6/D7 β .
- First commit to issue fork.
- Open on Drupal.org βCore: 9.5.5 + Environment: PHP 7.3 & MySQL 5.7last update
over 1 year ago Not currently mergeable. - @michellesfrazer opened merge request.
- πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
@michellesfrazer Are you seeing this problem? Do you have any information about what causes this? Can you share the contents of your honeypot.settings like I asked in #4? Why did you open an empty MR?
- Status changed to Closed: cannot reproduce
6 months ago 5:56pm 11 September 2024