- Issue created by @idiaz.roncero
- 🇪🇸Spain tunic Madrid
I think this is very much needed.
I guess this may impact at least:
- Project Browser → strategic initiative
- The Drupal.org infrastructure →
As of now, Drupal module developers have the following (and upcoming) systems to create and maintain module documentation and help (see help and documentation for a discussion on whether they are related concepts)
This poses the following challenges:
just for a brief snippet of info and README.md for full details, others prefer to output the docs to the admin UI and keep a brief README.md and others just put all the info into drupal.org and reference it from the module via links.This not only affects developers but Drupal as a whole: having outdated, sparse or decentralized sources of information might affect Drupal adoption as newcomers are often confused.
The developer need for less sources of documentation/help has been evidentiated by issues such as [PP-3] Allow README.md to optionally render a project page ✨ Allow README.md to optionally render as the project page Fixed
Ideally, modules could implement a single source for documentation that might be consumed from elsewhere (help system, drupal.org, etc) and this should live within the source code.
This way:
This is not different on how Drupal API works, and it's very common on other frameworks and tools where documentation lives in the source code and is parsed / fetched in order to generate a documentation UI (think mkdocs, for example).
This could be implemented on different ways:
files on a /docs or similar folder (plus README.md as the entry point)This should be part of a different discussion on drupal.org issue queue in case this got to be implemented.
Some quick ideas:
folder to generate documentation pages.Help topics and documentation can be considered aspects of the same (help being part of the docs, think FAQs) or completely different systems:
If we consider Help and Documentation to be completely separated, we could completely exclude the help ecosystem from this issue (hook_help, Help Topics).
On the other hand, Help could be part of the documentation written on the source code (think FAQs: they are small, brief, contextual) and they could be referenced from modules such as Help Topics.
I.E the developer could maintain structured Help topics / FAQs on the documentation and then reference them individually via a module in order to insert them (as Blocks, etc) wherever needed, providing an UI for the user while keeping a single source of info.
Discuss, gather consensus, implement.
None: help topics, etc... should remain the same, just the source changes.
To be discussed.
10.1 ✨
I think this is very much needed.
I guess this may impact at least: