- Issue created by @Natkeeran
- πΊπΈUnited States theMusician
Thank you for the feedback. I believe the plugin that handles captions will either need to be extended for audio file output or updated.
- πΊπΈUnited States theMusician
I made some progress on this.
The audio plugin code has not been looked at for some time so there was some necessary cleanup.
It now knows about captions but does not show the output in the caption window. I am not sure why at this point in time. No errors are being thrown.
If someone is trying to recreate this on a fresh install, the code does not make Able Player the default audio player upon install. To do that go to admin/structure/media/manage/audio/display and select Able Player Audio as the formatter.
I also noticed, and this could be a 10.x quirk, that the Able Player Caption media type has the file field disabled upon a fresh install. To fix that, go to /admin/structure/media/manage/able_player_caption/form-display and drag or move via weight the file filed into the display section.
Clone the work in progress branch if you would like to try it out. It should work on 9.x core as well.
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/ableplayer/-/tree/bronsem/3340900 - Status changed to Fixed
almost 2 years ago 10:46pm 24 March 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States theMusician
This is fixed in the alpha6 version released.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.