- Issue created by @ben coleman
After trying LayoutComponents on one particular site, we need to remove it. After uninstalling all of the dependent modules (including removing and removing the source (using composer - 'composer remove drupal/layoutcomponents'), the site white-screens on the next access. Checking the Apache error log shows:
Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Component\\Plugin\\Exception\\PluginException: "Plugin (slider) instance class "Drupal\\sliderwidget\\Element\\Slider" does not exist." at /home/newaccdesign/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Factory/DefaultFactory.php line 97, referer: https://new.accelerateddesign.com/admin/modules
The fact that Drupal is looking for Drupal\\sliderwidget\\Element\\Slider (part of Layout Components) pretty much tells me that the uninstall is leaving a reference to it in Drupal. Actually, a quick scan for the uninstall routine reveals there is no uninstall routine. The word 'uninstall' appears only in layoutcomponents.install, as part of the comment describing the file as "Install, uninstall and update hooks for Layoutcomponents module", while not actually containing an uninstall hook. Perhaps LayoutComponents needs an uninstall routine?
Meanwhile, how do I get to where I can remove the source (the problem is that if you include a patch in the site's main composer.json(which I need to do), one of layoutcomponent's dependent modules tries to apply a patch that, in fact, doesn't apply)?