Workflow/ECA Module: Definition main property missing

Created on 8 February 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 26 February 2023, almost 2 years ago

The ECA modules are a very useful and capable successor to the Rules module and allows complex workflows to be visually displayed and edited. There is an issue with adding/appending a new entry to a multi value double field. from the eca thread 💬 Handling Multi-Value Nested Fields Closed: works as designed

Looks like this is a bug in the double_field module. Their field type defines 2 properties: first and second. But they don't define the name of the main property which results in value being used as the default. That said, Drupal now checks on the property value which doesn't exist and hence the ECA model has no access to write to that field.

The solution is simple: double field needs to implement the following method into their \Drupal\double_field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\DoubleField class:

  public static function mainPropertyName() {
    return 'first';
Then it works just as expected.

I gladly help in testing.

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🇦🇹Austria coreteamvn

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