Unnecessary use of entity from route overrides page title for breadcrumb

Created on 2 February 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 28 June 2024, 7 months ago

I have a custom route that has an entity in it.

eg. /custom/{myentity}/stuff

My route has a title callback, but, with the "Use the real page title when available" option enabled, the module looks for an entity in the code and pulls back the label, giving me a duplicated end to my breadcrumb.

eg. Custom / An Entity / An Entity instead of Custom / An Entity / Related Stuff

The section of code in question: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/easy_breadcrumb/-/blob/2.x/src/EasyBr...

Is it possible to use the regular page title callback as the title and use this entity label idea as a fallback somehow? For what it's worth, I've commented out that section of code entirely and my breadcrumbs all seem fine -- is it needed at all?

Thanks in advance.

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πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada bricas

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