Surface bundle class on node type edit form

Created on 31 January 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 21 February 2023, almost 2 years ago


#2570593: Allow entities to be subclassed using "bundle classes" offers developers an incredible new tool. However, the Admin UI does not give any hints that a custom bundle class is in use for a given node type. One could add that in the description of the node type, but it's not really info that non-devs need.

Could we add the bundle class as read-only text on the node type edit form?

Steps to reproduce

Go to edit a node type that has been bundle-classed. There is no indication of the bundle class.

Proposed resolution

Add the bundle class to the node type edit form. It would not be editable, of course. And it should not appear if the bundle class is the default Node class.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes

Non-default bundle class surfaced on node type edit form.

API changes


Data model changes


Release notes snippet


Feature request




Node system 

Last updated 9 days ago

No maintainer
Created by

🇺🇸United States danflanagan8 St. Louis, US

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @danflanagan8
  • 🇺🇸United States dww

    Thanks for the interesting proposal! I'm a bit torn:

    Pro: It's helpful debugging info, especially for future developers working on sites built by previous folks, etc.

    Con: It's completely un-actionable noise to many of the people who might use this form, it's potentially scary / confusing, etc.

    If we do it, I think we'd want to improve the UI a bit:

    1. No where else in the UI do we see "bundle".
    2. In Slack, @mstrelan proposed adding the interface(s) the class implements.
    3. In that case (and maybe regardless), we probably want it inside a collapsed <details> element.

    Given that the target audience of this info are developers (current and future), this seems like something devel should provide, not core. However, I can't just easily move this issue to the Devel issue queue, since they turned off their d.o queue and moved to instead. If you're still interested, I vote you open a new issue over there and we close this one.

    Thanks! -Derek

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